Chapter 26

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DST 1: ch 26

Mason's point of view:

I dodge a blow to my face, and kick my opponent in his gut. He hunches over with the air knocked out of him. I smirk looking to the crowd getting pumped. I stop, watching Drake's face as he is on the phone. His eyes are turning dark as he listens intently before spitting words out. He shoves his phone is in pocket turning to Kyle. I'm tackled to the ground making me jump to reality. I glare at the guy on top of me trying to throw punches. I push him off switching our positions. I throw punches to his face making blood splatter, and his nose crack as it breaks. I watch his eyes roll back before I'm tackled away. I stare into her gray eyes before mine go narrow.

"You are better than this." She hisses. I roll my eyes shoving her off. I stand up quickly exiting the ring. I look for Drake, but he is gone leaving only Kyle.

"Lets go." I spit. I watch him give me a curt nod before we head towards the back room. I quickly throw my jacket on, and grab my tee shirt before heading out. We push through people until we make it to the door. Once out I breath in the cold air. Snow covers the ground, and more snow falls from the sky. I watch my breath fog into the air, and I tense up feeling Kyle watching me. "What?" I snap my head to him watching him gulp.


    "Don't tell me nothing." I narrow my eyes on him. I grab the collar of his jacket bringing him close to me. "What is it." I demand. I'm not in the mood for bullshit, I just want to make it back to my Angel.

"It's Dylan." He forces out. I let him go confused.


"They got her." He says hesitantly. I step back as if someone slapped me. I feel everything stop before I take off running. All I can do is run to her house. I need to know for sure if Kyle is telling the truth. I ignore the numbing cold as I sprint to her house. Adrenaline pumping through my veins pushing me to keep going. My gut churns with the thought of Angel being at the hands of Rick. I race to her door, and turn the handle cursing it being unlocked. I stop dead in my tracks as I see them gathered in the family room. Lucy and Kailey crying, clinging to their boyfriends. Her dad and Seth pacing the room. Drake and Tyson snap their heads to me from their spot on the ground.

"Tell me it's not true." I plead. I hear my voice breaking as reality starts to hit me. Drake stands up hesitantly, and Tyson follows his actions. My eyes turn to him narrowing into slits. "You were supposed to watch her!" I shout. I watch him flinch back, only slightly. Anger courses through my body as I lunge to him, and tackle Tyson to the ground. I start throwing punches, but he isn't having that. Before anything could really start I'm yanked off by Drake. He holds me back as I take Tyson in, and I only gave him a bruising jaw.

"Mason." I hear her dad snap. I look to him shaking Drake off me. "I asked you for one thing." I look down feeling myself shut down. This wasn't supposed to happen, none of it. My heart clenches, and my body feels weird. I don't know what this is, and I don't like it. I walk out of the house slamming the door behind me. I hear barking making me search for Bear, where is he. I see him running down the street full speed, with something hanging out of his mouth. I start jogging to him, and kneel down in the snow to see him. I take the object out of his mouth and gasp.

    "Angel." I whisper as I stare down at the piece of cloth from the shirt she was wearing today. I look back to Bear petting him. "Where did they put you?" I wonder out loud. He looks over to a street light, and I can see a rope hanging off of it. My eyes widen as I realize they tied him up to easily get in her house. They had this whole thing planned. It can only be one person that could have so easily gotten in. He is back. I stand up, and storm into the house, Bear on my heels.

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