Training the Pack

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Chapter 22

After three days training with the demons, I was ready to see Liam and Jake. Only a quatre could build up enough of a mental block to see past my projections. It isn't alot but its enough to give us the advantage. I have nothing to worry about with their fighting skills, they are ready to take on any guardians or vampires. Brax has done a great job with training them. So he is going to help me check out the packs skills. We will get a better idea of what they are capable of if they go up against a guardian and a demon.

                                       Brax and I drive down the lane to the pack house. I couldnt help but get excited to see my boys. Its only been a few days since I last saw them but it feels like its been forever. I pulled into the garden in front of the house and saw Liam and Jake standing at the door waiting for us.

"You ready for this?" I asked Brax

"I think so, it can't be any worse than training demons, can it ?" he asked.

I smiled at him, he has so much to learn, werewolves have a short fuse and can lose their temper quicker than you can blink, I found that out the hard way.

"You will see" I said.

We both got out of the car and walked towards them. Liam engulfed me in a bone crushing hug. A few seconds later we both froze as a terrorital growls filled the air. I looked up at Liam, who gave me a sheepish smile and one last squeeze before he pulled away. Brax moved to my side ready to protect me. I gave him a reassuring smile. I looked around Liam to find Rebecca standing behind him, shaking.

"Hi Rebecca, I'm Ariel and this is my other half Brax" I said, as Liam pulled her into a hug to calm her wolf, soon the shaking stopped and a embarrassed looking Rebecca stood in front of me with a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed, I meet his closest friend and I growl at you, Im so sorry" she said.

"Dont worry about it, I understand your reaction" I said smiling as I held my hand out towards her to shake. Once again I was shocked to be pulled into a hug by someone I have just met and more surprisingly I hugged her back.

"Wow, what have you done to the old Ariel, Brax? she never lets anyone new hug her and what's even scarier she hugged back, the old Ariel would have hit first and ask questions later" Liam said smiling.

"I dont know, but Rose my cousin hugged her aswell and she hugged her back straight away, the two of them have been stuck at the hip since then" Brax said.

"Our baby is all grown up" Jake said.

"Oh shut up, stranger things have happened" I said.

"Nope this is the strangest thing I have every seen" Liam said as Rebecca dug her elbow into his ribs, making Liam produce a nice groan.

"I love this girl, now come on, or you two afraid to train with us?" I asked

"Oh, were more than ready for you Ariel" Liam said as Jake stood beside him, puffing out his chest.

"Really, lets see how you go up against my powers, this is definitely going to be fun" I teased, as their jaws dropped.

"That an unfair advantage" Jake whined.

"Wow, who knew such big intimidating man could be so whiney" I said laughing at Jake.

"I dont whine" he said pouting.

"When you find your mate, dont use that face, she will go running for the hills" I said trying not to laugh.

"Okay you two, break it up the pack is waiting for us" Liam said shaking his head.

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