Something to fight for

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Chapter 23

Training the pack has been more fun than I expected. I have never really spent anytime with any of the other members expect Liam and Jake, except for Trish's bitching. She hasn't done that since I handed her ass to her. Today was our final day of training. Tomorrow everyone will be resting then we bring the fight to them. Our plan is set. Like Brax there are at least fifty other high level demons that can shimmer here without using the entrance and alerting the guardians, they will bring the demons here, before thirty of them return to the underworld and use the entrance, while the guardian wait for there arrival the rest of the demons, the pack, Brax and I, will move in and attack from different angles, surprising them, while I look for the commander. All going to plan,

the commander will be revealed for what he is and we can start rebuilding the alliance between the demons and guardians. It will take time but the attacks on the demons will have to stop, their not the enemy.

             Brax went back to the underworld to go over the final plans for tomorrow, while I'm going to run myself a hot bath to relax my muscles. I got my pj shorts, tank top and underwear. I walked into my bathroom and turned the taps on, putting bath bombs into the water. I turned the taps off and stepped into the bath. I sunk my whole body into the hot water and let my muscles relax. I'm praying everything goes as Plan, I dont want to lose anyone belong to the pack or demons. But I know we have no chance of coming through it without losing someone. I dont no what way to feel about going up against my parents but I do know if they hurt or kill any of my family, I will kill them, heartless as that sounds, they stopped being my parents the day I turned sixteen. They never sought me out to fix things between us, I'm their daughter but they discarded me like trash so easily, little did they realise what a mistake they made, they should of looked to find why my wings were black, its in a fucking book in black and white, they wouldn't of had to look far, but the commanders word is gospel. He was so sure of himself that I was evil, unworthy to be in his presence. But his world is going to fall down around him tomorrow when the true face of evil will be revealed, even he cant bring himself back from that once everyone see's his true face. I cleared my mind and closed my eyes, as I enjoyed my my bath. Ten minutes later, I felt a kiss placed on my forehead. I opened my eyes to find a smiling Brax. He took off his boots, top, jeans and boxers. I made room for him behind me as he got into the bath. I leaned back and placed myself between his legs and rested the back of my head on his chest.

"How did it go, is everything set for tomorrow?" I asked as kissed my head.

"Yeah, everyone knows whats going to happen and where to be, dont worry, were ready for this" Brax said.

"The pack is ready aswell, I dont know what I will do if Liam, Jake or Rebecca get hurt, I will never forgive myself, if it wasnt for me, they wouldn't want to fight" I said.

"They are strong, skilled fighters, they can handle themselves, plus you have your powers, you are stronger than anyone there, I know you won't let anything happen to them" Brax said trying to reassure me.

We stayed in the bath for another twenty minutes in comfortable silence, enjoying the calm before the storm. We dried off and got dressed. We both climbed into bed, hoping for a good sleep. Brax wrapped his arms around me as I fell asleep to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

I woke early and got into the shower scrubbing myself. I got out and dried myself off. I walked back into my room to find a sleepy looking Brax, waking up.

"Morning beautiful" he said.

"Morning, did you sleep okay?" I asked.

"I did, I always do when your beside me, how long do we have before we have to leave" he said.

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