How to stop this happening !

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Chapter 34

I came out of my daze as the images ended. What the fuck did I just see, I looked at the woman standing in front of me. I searched her soul and instead of finding her judgement, I saw something completely heartbreaking.

"What are you?" I asked her.

"Me, I dont really have a title, I just show what the heart needs to see, especially when trickery is at play, all you saw is not as it seems, you saw his side and yours, you just need to look around and you will find the answers you seek" she said as she glanced at Lucifer with a smirk.

I stepped towards her, and whispered so low, not even Lucifer could here,

"Is that what my future holds?" I asked her.

"Only if he has his way, dont be fooled, your love and his love is pure, he doesn't know how to cope with the loss of you, demons need their mates with them, or they start to lose themselves,its harder for him especially after seeing what Lucifer looks like, every man even your mate will have his fears, keep your eyes open, take in those around you, look clearly at the people around you Ariel, you might see a familiar face and do not for a second trust him, he only lets you see what he want you to see, you have time to stop this from happening, you saw his side and yours, use this knowledge wisely" she said.

"Thank you' for that your judgement is heaven" I said, I watched her walk to her family all giving me knowing looks.

"what was that about Ariel, what did you see?" Lucifer asked.

"I couldnt get any sense out of her, I just saw no images, good or bad, I think she was trying to confuse and trial me, that's all" I said calmly, when inside I am anything but calm.

If there is someone behind this trying to make what I just saw reality then I will find out who and kill them. Starting with this Anna bitch. She isn't going to get close enough to Brax to touch what's mine. I just need to do what she said, look closer and listen.

"How about we leave things at that for today" Lucifer said.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea" I said.

I got up and instead of going to my room, I'm going to have a look around, look more closely for a familiar face like she said. I walked outside the castle and looked at everyone who passed me, from a distance I saw a woman walk towards the castle, something about her looks familiar, I moved through the crowd til I saw where she was going, when she stepped into the castle, I waited a few minutes to follow her. When I thought enough time has passed, I moved quitely down the hallway she walked into. I could hear moaning and I quickly glanced around the corner to see the woman wrapped in Lucifer s arms, with her lips crashed to his.

"How is the plan working so far?" Lucifer asked after their kiss ended.

"I just acted like you told me too, it helps that I look similar to her, he is close to cracking, demons dont hold up well without their other half" she said.

"Good, you just have to seduce him now, when he is at his most vunerable, you have seen Ariel, so you should be able to shapeshift into to her, you need to sleep with him, a kiss won't be enough to break her, you need to sleep with him, for her to break the bond, when she does that make sure you have him with you. I will let her return to see what has gone on for herself, when she see's you with him, their won't be any forgiveness left in her" Lucifer said.

"Dont worry another day or two and I will have him exactly where I want him, he is broken, he won't be able to fight off my next advance" she said.

I took another quick look and it was that bitch Anna, what the fuck was that woman, how did she show me all that, I saw Brax's life as if it was my own, I felt every emotion that was running through me when all that was happening. The only good thing it hasn't happened yet, I am a couple of days away from been here five years.

                 I walked outside, I felt the bond to Lucifer and this place break. I smiled, that prick just broke our agreement, I watched as my bracelets opened. He won't feel my bond break he is tied to so many people down here, he won't notice one. I will let him think I'm still bound to him, til the moment is right. After what she showed me, Lucifer won't walk away from this untouched. She was right I only saw what he wanted me to see, the demons telling me they want to work for him, all the laughing and joking, it is a show he has been creating for quite awhile and I stupidly feel for it.

    I walked back to my room, trying to work out how much time I have before that first kiss happens, shit, its only a few hours away. I thought of Brax and found myself standing in front of him as he was showering. I dropped my clothes and opened the door, stepping into the shower with a shocked looking Brax. I didn't have a chance to speak before his lips crashed onto mine, sending sparks and electricity racing through my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me, its has been so long since I tasted his lips and touched him, its like all the sparks has built up over the years and just erupted inside of me now.

                              Brax lifted me up and pressed me to the wall, entering me, a moan left my lips, I forgot how good this feels with him. His lips stayed on mine as he slowly moved his length in and out of my core, teasing me.

"Please Brax, its been too long dont tease me" I whispered in his ear. He started to move faster and deeper as I felt my pleasure built and build til I felt like my body explode around me and then his. He kissed me like it is the last time he will ever get to taste my lips again. I pulled away, I dont know how much time I have before he notices I'm gone.

"Brax we need to talk I dont have long" I said, as we both got out of the shower and pulled our clothes on.

"Okay, what's wrong, how are you even here, not that I'm complaining, I have missed you so much Ariel, I was starting to lose my mind" he said.

"I know, I saw it, I'm here because Lucifer broke our agreement, but he doesn't know that I know he has, Brax you need to stay away from Anna, she is a shape shifter, Lucifer sent her to make sure you betray me so I will stay with him" I said.

"Ariel, I wouldn't do that, but she has been trying to get close to me, she has made a few passes at me but I have managed to dodge them" he said.

"Trust me as much as I hate to say it, she managed to seduce you, you chose her over me, but she did wait til you were drunk to look like me and sleep with you, I broke our bond and you got straight into bed with her again" I said.

"Ariel I love you, I can't imagine hurting you like that, but the longer a demon is away from their other half we lose ourselves, that's no excuse but its makes us vunerable to others" he said.

"Well lets make sure it doesn't happen, let her think she has you where she want you, call for me, I will be able to hear you through the bond, I'm going to kill that bitch, I can't kill Lucifer but that doesn't mean I can't cause him some serious pain, let the others know what is happening, I love you but I have to go, we will be back together in a couple of days" I said.

"I will, I love you too Ariel, I'm sorry, I know I haven't done it, but you saw and felt it happen, I will spend the rest of our lives making you happy" he said,

"I know you will, see you soon" I said, before I pictured my room in hell, I opened my eyes. Oh Lucifer is going to pay big time for this.

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