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"Bernice Alexandra, A girl who lived her life freely, who had no rules to follow, who was far away from the cruel truth of this world, who was living a normal life when one day they forcedly took her and her little sister far away leaving a bunch of gold coins behind.
She didn't know what to do or what to feel or what to say, when her little angel sister looked at her with tears in her eyes When her sweet little sister see her with desperation........... What to think or how to react but she knew one thing which was they were being sold and will be taken to "The Royal Konstanzyns Harem".

"I, Bernice Alexandra, I was thrown in a cart far away from where my little sister was being thrown in a cheap broken cart. I wanted to do something I wanted to hug her I wanted to grab her hand tightly and wanted to run away but I couldn't do anything, I was numb.. But suddenly I came in conciseness and jumped out and ran towards her and pulled her, turned around, with widening my eyes and making an angry face, I got closer to the man who had my sister and then pushed him away then I ran into the forest range with my sister on the left......I just wanted to run , run away , run to my home and with thinking these and holding my sisters hand I felt getting unconciseness and I felt like everything's slowly fading away, I felt myself getting back from my sister but I saw my sister running with someone then I recognized that it was me running with her, It was like my spiritual body was fading away from my physical one but oh no... I felt pain in my feet and suddenly I came into conciseness and before analyzing what did really happened My head hit a trench of a tree and I slipped into the sea of brown dead leaves".

"I, Bernice Alexandra, I was walking into a palace and slowly analyzing that there is no sign of my sister and slowly slowly the pain in my feet was getting worse and worse, after we reached the center of a big hall type room where many beautiful ladies where siting on the sofas and having fun and some from the upper apartment were looking at us, My pain was so worse that I couldn't control my scream this time And that was the time when I got his attention.....!"

"I, Bernice, I was left alone to understand this cruel side of the world which was never introduced to me, I was left to fight back the cruelty done by those women's with crowns on their heads... I was thrown into hell..... The time I had to bow down and kiss their dresses...I made a promise to myself which was A time will come when they all will do the same! Soon I got to know that I was brought here because I was a gift for The Sultan...huh..!".

"Here are those days...I fought back... I made my self who I am, In Sultan Hemza's Palace...This palace which I considered as hell and death place of mine is now my home... That fire which Started burning in my heart long before I  now know that I am that fire myself! And my all enemies will acknowledge thier mistakes when I'll burn them with my fire when ever they breathe!".

"I Sultan Hemza's slave, concubine the mother of his six children! Even after going through such a cruel time of my life there was a life which I was living in my sultans chamber. It was like living in paradise. He loved me so much! I bernice was named Kader Mahfiruze by Sultan Hemza when I gave birth to my only son Orhan".

"My fate brought me here, I accepted my fate"

🔱Kader Mahfiruze Sultan🔱

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