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My hands went cold hearing the voice that was coming towards me. I didn't want to do this. Not with someone that rich. If an argument started, and it seemed like it certainly would, there could only be two outcomes. Either I'll have to pay for the damage I did or I'll end up behind the bars.

The former option was very unlikely to happen because dad would prefer to kill me than lend me that kind of money and I would never be able to afford to repair this car with my little salary. So, prison it was.

I turned around to face my death and there he was. A man dressed in a perfectly tailored black suit. He had dark hair, green eyes and a chiseled jawline. Even from the distance I could tell he was tall, too tall. His green eyes narrowed as he analyzed his car, still walking towards me.

The man stopped almost a foot away from me. His eyes moved from his car to me. The intense stare made my heart race in my chest. He was furious.


Hundreds of ideas to escape the situation passed through my head at that instant, each one of them ending with me in a worse situation than the last one. So, I opened my mouth to apologize but no words came out. Clearing my throat, I tried to look confident.

"I'm really sorry," I started. If I apologize to him nicely and explain why I can't pay for the damage, he may let me go. I could even give him my salary for this month and a bit more from my savings. My experience with rich people was telling me it wasn't going to work. But there was no harm in trying.

"I was parking and-" I continued only to be snubbed by him.

"Why were you even driving when you don't know how to use that thing?" He looked at my car distastefully. His tone was normal and calm but something in his eyes told me, dared me, to defy him.

I turned to look back at his car. Why did it have to be a Bugatti? Why couldn't it be something cheaper? Hell, why did I have to crash? I mentally slapped myself for blaming the car when it was clearly my mistake.

"I'm sorry for being so careless... sir," I added the last word as I didn't want to offend him. At least not more than he already was. I've seen dad talk to people around him and he expected basically everyone to address him as 'sir'. It made him feel important. And this man towering over me was definitely someone important. He had that aura of authority surrounding him.

"And I'm assuming your repeating the word 'sorry' is going to repair my car?" He looked at me as if I was a naughty kid who had made a mistake. This frustrated me because this was the way my dad treated me. A careless, stupid kid.

Closing my eyes, I tried to calm myself. It would be a really bad time to get angry. "I was in a hurry. That is no excuse for damaging your car, I know that but-" and he snubbed me again.

"Then you shall also know that I'm being very nice here by not calling the cops on you. On second thoughts, I think I should," one side of his lip lifted in a smirk. In a better situation, I would have admired the curl of his lips, but right now all I wanted was to remove that smirk off his face.

"No, please. Not the cops," I pleaded with gritted teeth. Just then something caught my eye. While worrying about his car, I had totally forgotten about mine. The bumper was damaged. The left light was gone and the rest was filled with scratches.

Dad will kill me for this! What am I gonna say to him?

"Ah! Now you see it," the car owner said. His smirk changed into a dry smile.

"Look at this. My car is damaged as-" and again. He cut me off again!

"Your car and my car have a huge difference, my dear. You hit my car with yours so it's only fair that yours is damaged as well," he said as a matter of fact.

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