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This could have gone a different way.

James Marshall was the biggest bug buzzing over my life. His presence has always been an issue. Earlier, it was through my father's ignorance. Slowly and steadily he had crept into my professional life and tried to wreck it. That plan failed when I took over my company. He couldn't bring my father down because I had been standing behind, holding him back from falling to his destruction. But even if he had failed to push me down, he had used my company as a protective shield, a shoulder to climb the corporate ladder. And I had done nothing.

Then he tried to meddle in my personal life. The contract was still fresh in my head and I hated it now knowing it had caused problems between me and Caroline. Despite that, I had not done anything.

But that had changed. That had changed the instant I saw the red mark on Caroline's face. How many times has he hit her before? Though she had tried to pull back on the details of that part of her life, I figured it was enough. The fear in her eyes every time he was around was a dead giveaway. He had abused her physically and mentally so much that she had flinched in fear when I had touched her face. That was when I figured I had been too lenient on James.

Retribution was imminent, but it was going to be slow. His company, his most prized possession, was going to suffer. Slowly and gradually he was going to lose his grip over it. The business world, which he was so proud to be a part of, was going to become a dream he had once lived and spitted out of.

That last phone call from him was what made me understand that even that was not going to be enough. Destroying his business was not enough.

This could have gone a different way.

James could have gotten an easier out.

But if he was so keen on digging his own grave, I was not going to hold myself back from burying him in it.

"Meet me at Marshall's residence in the next thirty minutes with the documents prepared," I called my PA. It was a relief that the broken version was my personal phone and not the professional one. "And stop the work on his company shares. Let them be," I added.

The chauffeur took a steep turn to the left and I looked out of the car window, trying to get my anger within control. Anger was needed. The work I was going to do could hardly be done with a calm mind. But I needed to channel it towards the task and not on the man. Focusing on that asshole would make me want to chop him up into pieces and throw them away in a dumpster. Though there was no need for murder. I wasn't going to do it.

Caroline won't like it.

She had suffered enough.

It was one thing for choices to be taken away, to be abused. It was totally different to see that happen to someone you love.

I lost my mother too soon. The memory of that accident was vivid in my memory. I remember being angry at my father, at myself, at everything because there was nothing anyone could do to bring her back. I know what it was like to lose someone that important. But to see them in pain, then erased from your life, not knowing where they were, how they were, I cannot fathom how horrible it must be for Caroline to go through that.

I had a faint idea of what it was like though. Because every bit of anger that was coursing through my veins was on Caroline's behalf. She had endured it all, without retaliation. It was only fair for me to take on that job and wreck that bastard's life.

Since there were many modifications made in my earlier plan of action, and because the idea was still in the making as I headed towards the asshole's house, I needed to tread carefully. Business was my territory to maneuver, but with the latest improvisations in the plan, a backup was required. There was close to no doubt that after everything, James along with his wife and daughter were going to try and pull me into the legal procedures. They would not succeed, but why waste time battling them when I had the chance to squash them before they made a move.

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