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***Aaron's POV***

"Dig into his records and come back to me in 15 minutes," I ordered my PA, Carter, who walked out of my office immediately to do what was ordered.

A few days ago, it was brought to my notice by my company's investigator, Melissa, that there had been a breach of confidentiality by one of the employees in the London branch. A lot of secret data from various ongoing and future projects have been disclosed to a third party in return for a meager sum of money. Since then, Melissa had been working in close association with the branch manager in London to track down the traitor.

A phone call, only a few minutes ago, informed me of the successful search and the whistleblower was finally caught. All that was needed now was for me to get details on his records before I pay a personal visit to him and make that bastard regret his decision of crossing me.

I shut the file, lying on my desk, that contained a brief list of all the information that was stolen in the last few months from the company. Going through it, I was assured that it was not something that could take down my company or cause substantial harm, but it could lead to revenue loss for the next couple of months.

No matter how small the loss was, it was never a good idea to mess with my company and the one who was behind it was going to take some notes on it quite soon.

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration as I got up from my chair to look at the beautiful view outside. The rising sun, hiding behind the clouds, coloured the New York's skyline in an orangish hue. The streets were relatively silent as it was still an hour before the usual office hours.

The weekend staff was yet to come to work and I had taken the day off to visit the ongoing construction around the upcoming art museum that the company was building. The angelic face that had invaded my sleep every single night for the past week came to my mind and I shook my head. I was supposed to be at home, looking forward to spending my day with the girl that has been constantly on my mind since the first time I laid eyes on her, but here I was digging into people's records because they were braindead to fear the consequences of going against their boss.

As soon as Carter had informed me of the situation in the office, I called for an early meeting. If there was a slight chance that I could take care of the situation at the office without jeopardizing my plans for the weekend with the one girl I have even been genuinely interested in, I was going to take it.

There was a knock on the door and Carter entered with a couple of files in his hands. He flipped open the one on the top and offered it to me.

"His name is Jason Walter," Carter explained as I read through the information, "he used to work here, in the headquarters, as an accountant, before he applied for a transfer and was thus transferred to our London branch a few months ago. He's forty-three with a dead wife and three children—a girl and two boys, to be precise."

I gave him a hard glare. "I'm not planning on kidnapping his family, Carter. Just tell me what's required."

"Walter has been passing information to another firm for a while. It was always tidbits and nothing of much importance until now. The manager claims he was in the dark about everything happening under his nose, but excuse my language, sir, I call it bullshit. Melissa dug into both their records and their bank statement to show a huge sum of money was transferred to their accounts by a third party. A team is working on it now and will get back to you as soon as they find anything about who paid them for it," Carter explained.

He flipped through the pages of the file in his hand and passed it to me. It contained the bank statements of Walter and the manager, along with a detailed view of how the information was traded between them.

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