IV ■ Wolfsbane

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"Jackson, stop!" The little girl cried as the boy easily tackled her to the ground.

As his fingers skillfully dug into her sides like they had a hundred times before, she let out a satisfying squeal of laughter.

"My little Lexi, I swear I will never tire of that laugh," the boy chuckled as he
offered her a hand up.

All of a sudden, a horrifying screech pierced through the night. Jackson, although only a few years older, took a protective step in front of Alexandria. As more and more screams echoed around the courtyard, the little girl began to tremble.

"Who are they, Jackson?" The girl's chubby little face turned to look at him, her cheeks stained with tears.

"I don't know," the blonde headed boy replied truthfully as he gazed out the window. "But I promise I won't let anything happen to you."

With a loud bang, the door behind the children flew open. Jackson instinctively reached out for Lexi's hand, and although he wore a brave face, he was actually terrified inside.

"Quickly! We must get the young Prince to safety."

A man and woman whom Jackson recognized as the pack's Omega wolves quickly grabbed hold of him. Before he had time to even register what had happened, the couple had torn him away from Alexandria.

"Wait!" Jackson yelled as he wrestled to get free of their grasp. "What about Lexi?"

The woman casually glanced back at the young girl, paralyzed in fear. Her heart broke for the child, but her hands were tied. Jackson was, of course, their main priority.

"The Beta and his wife are dead," she informed him. "And unfortunately, that child is the least of our concerns right now."

Jackson looked back at his best friend, a sob catching in his throat. If Lexi's parents were gone, then more than likely, so were his.

With a stomp of his foot, Jackson demanded the attention of the lesser wolves. "I, am the Alpha now, and I will NOT leave her behind!" he screamed.

Suddenly, the front door burst open revealing a group of men in dark cloaks.

"The clan has infiltrated the castle!" The man hissed at his wife. "We must save the Prince! I'm sorry Jackson, but it is my duty to fulfill the last dieing wish of your father."

As the men who had slaughtered the entire pack encircled Alexandria, the young girl cried out.

"Jackson! Jackson!" Her tiny arms stretched out towards him.

"They won't kill her," the Omega's wife snapped as she helped her husband forcefully drag the boy into the passageway under the house. But that didn't help him from feeling any less guilty.

As one of the men carried his little Lexi out the front door, Jackson struggled against the Omega wolves again. But he was only a child.

"I will find you, Alexandria!" His voice broke as he helplessly cried out to her. "I swear, Lexi! I will find you!"


With a gasp, my eye lids popped open as I was startled out of my sleep. That was one hell of a dream, I thought as I slowly reentered the world of conscious. Propping myself up on my forearms, I quickly glanced about the room. Where the hell am I, I wondered. And what the fuck is that annoying beeping sound?

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