XXIII ■ Awakening

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The following chapter is meant for a more mature audience; viewer discretion is advised.

As I laid on my side on the hardwood floor, my naked and sweat-slicked body shivered in the Australian winter air. My wolf was gone. The parts of my mind that had been previously bound by the moon were set free. But at what cost? I couldn't even scent Gabriel anymore.

Turning my head, I looked to where he had fallen, but the Northern King couldn't bare to look me in the eyes. The one thing he desired most in the world had been forcefully taken while he laid helplessly by, too weak to even move a muscle. As Willie's words came back to me from a few moons ago, I wondered if Gabriel would still love me once he knew all of the implications of the cure.

With the loss of my wolf senses, I noticed how muffled the voices of Jackson and Mara were now, as they huddled at the other end of the room. I could barely hear them, but a shiver shot up my spine at Mara's harsh whisper that her Alpha should mark me. As his heavy footfalls neared, hopelessness consumed me.

I was already weaker than him when he tried to mark me before. But this time, without the added strength of my wolf, I knew I wouldn't even be able to put up a good fight. I could feel bile rise in my throat. I was disgustingly weak now, entirely empty. And for good reason, I suddenly questioned what I was-- finally human, or a lost wolf with no soul.

My body trembled as Jackson stood over me, fear causing my heart to thunder inside of my chest. With his long fingers clasped tightly around my neck, I whimpered as he began to lift me from the floor. A loud creak in the hardwood nearby had me struggling to turn to where Gabriel previously laid. I was nearly shocked to see him pushing himself up on all fours, but more surprisingly were the words he was chanting. 

Get up.

Mate is in trouble.

Wolf is gone.

Female needs protecting.

Get up, our mate is in trouble!

With a roar that shook the entire cabin, Jackson released me as Gabriel suddenly stood to his feet. Two, muddy-colored and hard looking scales fell from his eyes, removing the clouded vision he had suffered with for months. As his orbs burned with a breathtaking sapphire blue, I knew without a doubt that his hex had finally been broken.

"You can run now," Gabriel's voice roared, deep and demonic. "Or stay here and accept your fate."

Jackson's eyes widened as Gabriel started to grow. Without a curse to keep him weak or human, Jackson knew he was no match for the Northern King. As the ever expanding muscle's of Gabriel's wolf burst forth and shredded his clothing, Jackson gulped before taking a step back and shaking out his own fur.

Gabriel's glowing eyes followed me as I scrambled to get out of the way. A snarl tore from his lips, saliva dripping from his jaw, but I knew he would protect me. With a short, gargled howl, he warned me to stay close. 

I flattened myself against the wall as Mara transformed as well. Gabriel was easily twice the size of her, and Jackson was not much larger than his Beta. The two smaller wolves paced back and forth as they tried to formulate a plan. They finally attacked him separately. One went for the neck, the other snapping at a hind leg, but each time Gabriel jumped to the side, just narrowly missing the other wolves teeth.

A frustrated Mara and Jackson lunged at him together this time. I was worried, but there was nothing I could do. With a violent growl Gabriel slashed his claws before tearing them apart. Not only was he bigger than them, but he was faster. Dodging the two wolves, Gabriel snapped at them with his massive jaws. With a whimper and a whine, the two re-grouped before attacking him again.

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