Chapter 9

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Peters POV
So I drive. Our base is at a abandoned building that we took cause no one was using it. That was me, Max's, and Ryan's base. The original base is over in Washington but we only go there do nationwide or worldwide alerts.
It takes a hour to get there. As I get there I enter the code, scan my finger, my eye, and my face. and walk in. Max is in his office.
"Hey max."
"Hey sit down and I'll give you your stuff and explain. And give me your bag."
I give him the bag and he gets all the stuff out.
"Ok the first thing is a ear piece. You can't talk to us but we can talk to you."
"This patch. Put it on your chest so we can see your health during the mission."
"Two pistols. You still have your Chest wrap right?" I nod
"Ok pistols have silencers so wen you shoot it's silent. Also comes with bullets but they are special bullets. When it hits contact with the target it elect ruts the heart and they die instantly. Aim for the chest."
"Throwing knifes. Extra sharp."
"Gloves with brass knuckles"
"Glasses that can zoom in and out of your target. These glasses have the data of your targets so it say target oboe the person when sighed by the glasses. It should also lead to your target or help you locate also points out traps."
"Also loaded you a sniper just because you might choose to shoot from a distance."
"And that's it. Ryan will be the speaking through the ear piece."
"Also your passport."
"Your plane departs In two days."
Max just looks at me.
"Your worrying about Charlotte."
I'm not gonna lie. I am.
I nodded.
"Me and Ryan got her protected."
"I know but still."
He just nodded
"When are you gonna tell her?"
"I'm gonna tell her eventually but not now. She's still got her own stuff to handle. Telling her this now would just cause her to worry more."
"How do you think she will react once she does know."
"I honestly don't know."
And I just sat there in silence.
"Max I want a favor from you."
"Ok what?"
" I know your gonna watch her but I want you to always watch her but don't let her know your watching if you get what I'm saying."
He nodded.
"Peter we got this trust me and Ryan to take care of her."
I just nodded
"Thanks max"
"Anytime Peter."
And I walk out and start driving home. It's two o clock in the morning. Great. I'm already tired.
I'm finally home and I still see lights on. Did she really stay up for me? 
I unlock the door and go inside there she is. On the couch and she looks like a zombie cause she so tired. It's kinda funny though. Ryan is on the chair across from her snoring and drooling all over my chair. That's even funnier but I know I have to clean that chair now and that makes it not so funny. Charlotte looks at me. She smiles and hugs me.
"Come on let's go to bed."
She nods and we walk upstairs.
"Hang on I gotta go to the office." She nods and I go and put my bag under the desk in the office and go back upstairs. She in bed already Zoned out and I take off my shirt and pants and put pj pants on and get in the bed. I turn the light off. And hug her an try to sleep.
"Oh." She says and gets up.
"Well Ryan might get cold. I'm gonna get a blanket for him. And a pillow cause he's gonna have a sore neck." She chuckles. I chuckle too. So she gets a blanket and pillow and goes down stairs. I go to to help carry the blanket. So I follow her down stairs and Ryan just looks like twisted cause his body is arranged weirdly and it's funny. So Charlotte walks up to him an sits him up and put a pillow on the one side of the chair and lays his head on it. And I give her he blanket and she put it on him.
"Now He might not be so sore." She laughs and we both go back upstairs and get in bed. I snuggle up to her and sleep.
I open my eyes and look around. Charlotte is still next to me sleeping. And I look out the window an it's light out. Tomorrow is when I leave. I sigh In Disappointment. I look at the clock and it's noon. So we missed half of school so there's no point in going. I stand up and stretch and take a shower. I like hot showers. Not as hot as Charlotte does cause that fucking burns but I like warm showers.
I get some Axe: Apollo shampoo and body wash and wash up.
I get out an brush my teeth with Colgate. I then wrap a towel aroun my mid section and walk out to pick clothes.
Pick some jeans and a quarter sleeve blue shirt that buttons up. I put on socks.
Since I'm done I look at Charlotte and she's still sleeping and it's like 1:00
I go sit on the edge of her bed and stroke her hair.
"Hey char... Are you ok?" She opens her eyes and stretches as she sits up.
"Yeah I was ju-" she yawns mid sentence and it's adorable.
"-st tired."
I kiss her on the forehead.
"Well I'm gonna cook us some brunch"
"Alright I'm gonna get ready for the day then." She kisses me in the lips and goes into the bathroom. I walk downstairs and still see Ryan passed out on the chair. He somehow twisted himself up again and I just burst out laughing.
He wakes up
"What are you laughing about?" He says as he cracks I swear every bone in his body.
"Cause I came home an you were Asleep on the chair and you where all twisted up and shit and me and Charlotte got you a blanket and pillow and positioned you so you weren't in a odd position. And now your all twisted up again." I laughed.
"Oh alright." He laughs too
"Want brunch?" I ask.
And I get to work on cooking. I'm gonna make eggs, sausage, pancakes.
"We should call max and invite him too." I said.
"Yeah I'll text him."
Few minutes later he comes through the door.
"Welcome to life my friends. You finally woke from the dead."
Ryan just looks at him like I'm not awake enough to deal with the bullshit. I just laugh.
Charlotte walks down all dressed and hair in a messy bun. She's dressed in skinny jeans and a T-Shirt with ankle socks. She looks
So cute.
"Good afternoon" she tells everyone. Ryan just nods and goes or the coffee.
"Good afternoon Charlotte." Max says in a British accent. Charlotte laughs and kisses my cheek.
"I'm gonna do some homework." She says and goes to the table. She gets out her art and max follows.
"Damn your good." Max says.
"Thanks. It takes forever though." She chuckled.
"It only takes long because it's a masterpiece." Max said
She nodded and started sketching.
I get done cooking.
"Alright guys it's done."
"And Charlotte goes first cause the rest of us eat like cavemen."
"It's fine I'm not hungry." She says.
I just kinda look at her. Like she don't eat a lot but she still usually eats.
"You sure?"
She nods and we the guys stack our plates with food. We eat like we have never eaten in our lives and Charlotte continues to sketch. She finally get done sketching and gets to tracing with a fine line marker. We all watch her trace. She finally notices.
"Why are you all staring at my hands." She asks nervously.
Ryan shrugs.
"Your hands dart all over the paper and I like to watch." Max says
"I just thinks it's beautiful to watch you draw cause you have these expressions when your thinking that are cute"I say
Max says
"Damn bro. That was beautiful" he mock cry's and get a tissue and Ryan just rolls his eyes.
"I'm guessing where not going to school today?" She asks
"Nah there's no point I mean it's already 2:30" I said
"We can use this as a work day" she said and I nodded in agreement.
She put the art away.
"Can someone help me with math?" Max gets excited. I mean it is his department.
"I'll help." Max yells excitingly and grabs the worksheet and reads it over.
"Ok hang on." He says and runs off somewhere. He comes back with a giant white board and lines up chairs for the white board.
"Ok class get out your pencils." Ryan just rolls his eyes as we clean up the dishes.
So he starts teaching in a way that Charlotte understands. That comforts me.
"Alright Ryan your gonna clean the arm chair you slept on."
"Peter I don't wet when I sleep."
Charlotte laughed.
"No but you drool enough to make a pool." I say and hand him the Lysol wipes. He just mutters under his breath and cleaned the chair. I finish cleaning the dishes. Charlotte is done with the first worksheet. Damn max your fast.
"Wanna join math class." Max offers.
I shrug. Why not.
I get a pencil and the second worksheet and we all get to work. I get it done first just because I don't need Max's help in math. So I zip through all of them and so does Charlotte until we get it all done. It's 3:55
"Alright class thanks for attending." Max jokes and Charlotte chuckles and thanks him.
"Alright what else?" Max says.
Charlotte reads off.
"Science is the other I need help with and that's it."
Ryan pushes max out of the way.
"It's my class now." Ryan says and max pouts and we all laugh. Ryan doesn't laugh he just smiles.
"Alright may I read your sheet?" Charlotte hands over the sheet and Ryan takes it. Reads it and takes it back.
He basically draws the whole worksheet. Word for word and it looks exactly the same as the sheet. Charlotte mouth is hanging open and I close it with my finger while chuckling.
"alright this is biology. As you see you have vocabulary the top, you match them with the sentences.
So tell me what a a biotic factor is?" Charlotte raises her hand.
She answers and he gets a star sticker from Ryan. Max looks at him like really.
"I'm a fun teacher max. I give out stars for good students." Max crosses his arms and rolls his eyes. Charlotte laughs.
We zip through the biology homework.
"What else"
"Well we have English and history but I think I can do that." She says.
" hey Charlotte can we talk?"
She nods
"Well I'm going to get food"max says
"I'll go too we will be back" Ryan says and they walk out.
"Alright I have to leave tomorrow."
"Why? How long?"
"I can't explain why Charlotte, not yet. I should only be gone for a few days. I know I'll be back by Wednesday"
"Oh...."she saddens.
"Don't worry max is gonna keep you company. And Ryan might too" she brightens a little at that.
"I promise I'm coming back ok. Tomorrow though I'm not going to school so max will drive you ok." She nods.
She just hugs me.
"Whatever your doing just please come back." She says.
I hug her back an kiss her head.
"I promise I will."
She stays like that for a while.
"Well then eyes get our work done so we can do what we want before you leave." I nod. We do t have a lot of history or English. English we just have a worksheet which is super easy and we get it done in ten minutes. History takes longer cause we have to read the passage and answer the questions. When we're done Ryan and max pop back in.
"We brought food!"
Max yells.
When they say brought food I mean they brought bags and bags of food.
I think they bought half of wall-mart. They lay it all in the table and Charlotte just laughs.
"Dig in!" Max says excitingly. Charlotte steals a basket of chicken wings.
"I'll take these the rest is all yours." We all nod as she gets ranch.
"What do you guys want to drink?"she yells from the kitchen.
"Water." I say
"Mountain Dew" max yells
"Coffee." Ryan says.
She brings out two glasses of water, coffee and Mountain Dew.
And we all eat. Charlotte eats slowly while all of us guys eat like every time we eat which is like cavemen.
We then clean our mess.
"Ok what do we do now?" Ryan says.
"We should play a game!" Max says.
"Alright what game?" Charlotte asks
"Charades?" Max asks.
We nod and laugh.
"Who's first?"
"Rock paper scissors everyone."
We do it. Ryan ends up first.
So he just stands there.
"A person standing?" Charlotte says
"Breathing?" Max says. Ryan nods and sits.
Max is next. He lays on the ground and is straight like a pencil.
"Worm?" Charlotte says he nods and sits.
She stand there for a second and stars hopping around the room.
"Rabbit?" I say. She smiles and nods.
I stand up. What should I do? Hmmm. Oh I got one. I start doing the chicken Dance.
"Chicken." Charlotte says and I nod and sit and that goes on. We act like goofballs. Until 7:00
"Alright I'm gonna go to bed." I say and Charlotte agrees.
"You guys staying?" I ask.
They both nod.
"Alright hang on." Charlotte says and comes back with pillows and blankets for them.
"Thanks" they both say. She nods and we walk upstairs after we say our good nights.
So we change and we sit in bed for a while.
"I know you leave tomorrow.. But what time?" She asks.
"Around 10:00"
"Alright I'm gonna make you the best breakfast ever." She says with a smile.
I kiss her on the cheek.
She just hugs me. I know she doesn't want me to go but I have too. She just hugs me all night. I turn off the light and we lay down and she snugged up to me and hugs me.
"I love you." She whispers
"I love you too."

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