Chapter 12

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Charlotte's POV

its been a few days since the accident with Peter. He started to walk and move around which is good so he doesn't get stiff. Mrs.Hilda brought all our assignments from every class for this whole week. which is good. she saw how bad Peter looked when he was trying to walk. she had a sad look in her eyes and wished us the best. Peter still hasn't told me what happened that night. I know he crashed a car. but there's more to it. i'm planning to ask him during dinner. Max and Ryan has stayed with us ever since Peter got home. I'm happy for the help and company with them. right now i'm standing outside the office door. this office is always closed and Peter went in there before he left. there has to be something in that office to give me a clue of what happened to him. everyone else is asleep right now. its early in the morning. 3:00 AM to be exact. Why am i up? I had to pee. and as I was peeing it woke me up. I thought about what Peter did before he left. It was the office. this office that no one else goes in. well that I have seen anyway. My white ass hand wraps around the golden knob. I take a deep breath and walk in. the lights are off. I flip the switch. It looks like a normal office. a desk, a chair, a computer. normal looking office. I look in the drawers and make sure to not make noise. i look through and see papers. long ass papers that look like important documents. i'm starting to feel bad that i'm going through his stuff but I have too. I read a little of the documents and disregard them because they just look like my court documents. I see right next to his computer a button. I look at it. debating whether to press it or not. I end up pushing it. and its like the room transforms. Its a loud transforming too. the floor opens up and I scream. i'm basically free falling in darkness. I scream not even trying to be quite anymore. I slap against concrete. 

"fuck...." i say in pain. nothings broken I don't think. the landing just fucking hurt. I stand up in the darkness. I walk around in the dark when I find a switch. I flip the switch and the whole place lights up. I see computers everywhere. pads projecting holograms of people. they all have labels. dead or alive. I walk around the holograms. hoping to find out the names. it almost looks like there real people but there not. I know cause I tried touching one and my hand went through them. I walked around and explored more. i see pictures of Peter as a little boy and with a women and a man. i'm guessing that's Peter and his family before they died. I smiled at how happy Peter looks. He looks like his mom. I wonder how they died? i asked Peter once but he didn't answer i don't think.  one hologram stops me. 'Wilson Jenkins' it read unknown. he puzzles me. What also puzzles me is it says 'still on mission' what mission? who is this guy? he looks 40 and has a good build but he just looks like a guy. it says what hes done. 'illegal slave trade of young girls.' i froze at that. under it it read 'assassinate target ASAP' assassinate!? what the actual fuck?! I try to calm down. I rub my temples and explore some more. I find a door. a alarm blares and I try to shut it up. and lasers come at me. Is this how i die? guess not cause I jump out of the way. I stand up again and see that there are laser traps leading to the room on the other side. I look at the lasers and try to make a plan. i'm not getting out anytime soon. this might be the way out of this place. I walk and play limbo basically with all the lasers. I get to the other side unscathed. I cheer to myself. the room I see next is a big table with a Promethean type sort of thing in front of it. I walk to see what it says. its supplies. all these weapons. what they do. who there assigned too. there all assigned to Peter. next his picture it says destination: France. it says the deportation date. it says the day when he left!? what the hell!? I sit on the floor and crawl in a ball. this is a lot to take in.

once i'm done trying to take it in, i walk around trying to find a exit other then the one I came through. I feel the walls to try and find something. I get cut cause the rock is sharp but its numb to me right now. I just want to get out of here.

Peters POV

before Charlotte's adventure.

I'm sleeping soundly. dreaming about nothing. its like those sleeps where you don't dream. i hear a scream and bolt up. my eyes still have sleep in them. i rub them. i look around. Charlotte isn't next to me. i look around the room. she's not in the bathroom. I quietly go downstairs. i go into the kitchen to see if she was there. she wasn't. i look allover until i land at my office. my eyes shut and i thump my head on the door. i hear more screams from the office. i bust the door open. I see the floor opened up. oh no. i slightly panic. i jump in the hole. I land but it hurts like a bitch. so i stand up and look around. i see Charlotte. she was walking around. i stood in the dark. i wanted to see what she would do in here. i watched her face as the holograms popped up. she walked around.

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