Chapter 16

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ok thank you guys so much for the patience. i got a rental computer till mine is fixed. and it turns out that i can still type so Yay. now i love you guys. i hope you enjoy this chapter as much as i did writing it.


Chapter 16

Peters POV

It's been 24 hours since the robbery. It honestly was a robbery so that's what i'm calling it. Right now i'm driving Charlotte home. I am relieved that she is well. She just has to take it easy for a little bit but she will live. I still haven't told her about how Wilson Jenkins is still alive and targeting her. I am going to tell her when we are home because I am gonna have to get us another house to protect ourselves in, cause Wilson knows where we are so we need to hide as of now. Normally I wouldn't hide, I would just kick the motherfuckers ass, but Charlotte really wants me to keep it cool and not fight,or kill unless it's completely necessary, even though I think it's necessary, I know she might not. We arrived home and I carried her to bed. She laid on the pillow and just stared at the ceiling.

"Hey babe I need to talk to you."


"The robbery."

"Baby we have been through this, it is not your fault."

"No hear me out because you need to know." I said seriously. She sat up a little and held my hands and nodded.

"This wasn't an ordinary robbery Char. do you remember what happened?"

"No. Not really."

"Ok well we came home from school to see our home trashed. Furniture broken and furniture thrown everywhere. We searched the house and we thought it was clear. I went to another room to call Max and Ryan and i'm guessing you sat on the couch. The next thing I know I hear you scream and rush into the living room and a man was trying to kidnap you. I beat him up but you got injured, your head injury came from him. The man who sent him is the man I thought I killed in France that one night, and now I think he's targeting you because I got the info from the kidnapper before I killed him." I told her. She just looked at me and put her head down.

"So this is all coming from your job?"

"Not entirely Char. This guy was supposed to be dead. Charlotte you have to understand that I wouldn't do anything to harm you."

"I get it ok. It just always leads to this Peter. It's stressful and scary ok? I know it may not be for you but it is to the person that loves you and cares about your safety more then her own. I don't think you get that. Your used to not having someone to come home to and to love you, but now you do. It's hard ok. It's hard dealing with this. You know it's not just you anymore. It's me too. What you do affects me too and this just proves it." She said

I got upset when I heard that, not mad but like sad.

"look I need to be alone ok. I'm tired and I want to sleep." With that i kissed her forehead and shut the door quietly and left her alone. She call me when she needs something. either me, Ryan, or Max.

I don't know how to respond to that only because shes right. I couldn't be in her position and not be upset. The more I thought about it the more gloom consumed me. It makes me feel that this is my fault. If I would have finished the job Charlotte wouldn't be hurt right now, Charlotte wouldn't be scared right now, we could just continue life like how it was meant to be continued. Just us being in peace. I got to my computer and emailed the school. We needed to graduate early. We honestly did. It would make things so much more easy on us to complete school so we don't have to worry all the time.

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