The Party

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"Perfect," Cinna remarks as my prep teams steps back, finished with their work.

My hair and makeup are done ahead of schedule. We still have an hour before we leave for the Presidential Estate. I'm wearing a tight-fitting black dress, with the appearance of feathers on it. My shoulders have a red accent on them, again with the appearance of feathers. My capital wardrobe consists of flames and feathers apparently. They make me appear strong is what Cinna has told me. No more little girl dresses, strong is desirable.

"Thank you, Cinna," I say to him.

"You're welcome Katniss," he says and turns to leave, my prep team already gone, "I'll see you soon."

I sit down in the chair beside the window. I can't help feeling relief that this is the last stop on our tour before we go home. I know things have changed during the tour, not only in the districts, but with myself, and Peeta, as well. I don't know what I will face going home, I know Gale is going to be upset, but I also know that I can't just cut Peeta loose like the last time we came home. As far as Panem knows, I'm engaged to Peeta. I'm sure Snow will make sure every detail of the journey from proposal to wedding is broadcast in the face of everyone in Panem. I also know this means will there have to be a wedding between Peeta and I sometime, and it will be broadcast so there is no way to avoid marrying him when that time comes, not without placing everyone I love in danger.

"Katniss," Effie calls from outside the room, "It's time to go."

"Coming," I call back to her.

I stand up and leave my room, meeting Peeta in the hallway on the way out. I feel nervous about seeing Snow, I've done my best to convince him of my love for Peeta. I can only hope that he is convinced. Haymitch has remarked multiple times about the improvement of my acting, I contribute it to knowing what I have to act perfectly to save my family, Gale, and Peeta, so I have acted perfectly. Though if I'm being honest, even I know I can't act that well and most of the time, it doesn't even feel acting anymore. Peeta reaches for my hand as we step onto the walkway at the presidential palace, knowing to expect camera's everywhere. We follow closely behind Effie and fireworks are set off above a giant white house that has been lit with a magnitude of colorful lights all around it. We are almost to the door as she starts to give us the usual appearance reminders.

"Chins up, smiles on," Effie takes a deep breath, "I am talking to you Katniss."

I can't help rolling my eyes at her remark, I know I'm not the most sociable person, but I can be polite when I have to be, even if it means playing the same side as Snow for the evening. She leads us through the house that has been crowded full of people in fashion like Effie's and multiple colors of hair. Essentially it looks as though a rainbow threw up inside of the mansion. She continues to ramble on about different things regarding the mansion and pointing through the crowd to different people and telling us that she will be introducing us later this this evening. I can't help scanning the crowd myself, looking for Snow. I can only hope that he's been convinced.

"Breath it all in," Effie leads us to the back door, opening it and revealing an even larger crowd and party in what I assume to be the backyard of the mansion, even though it is much bigger than yard I've seen before.

"It's cozy," Peeta remarks. I smile at his response; this was his nice way of saying crowded and overwhelming.

"Attitude!" Effie quickly corrects Peeta as we walk outside. She dismisses herself from us and leaves us to wander the party alone.

"It's okay. If we haven't already, then we will convince him tonight," Peeta whispers in my ear.

There are plenty of drinks and food here, more than enough to feed the people of District 12. Naturally Haymitch is chatting up some people with a drink in his hand, swinging it around in the air. I see a group of children, dressed in typical capital fashion. I imagine that their childhood is filled with happiness and luxury. They will never know hunger or fear, never have to attend a reaping. Never fear that the name being pulled from that bowl will be there or a loved one. Never have to know what it's like to watch your family or friends be killed on television. I imagine that they can sleep without nightmares of the faces of fallen tributes that have died so you could live. They will never be a piece in Snow's games. I know that Snow has a granddaughter, maybe more grandchildren as well, and many of the game makers and peacekeepers have children and grandchildren, younger siblings even. These children don't know how lucky they are to never worry about fighting in the Hunger Games, but these children are also no better than Prim. She is just the same as these kids, only difference is her district and they still wanted to force my sister to play in their games. It isn't fair for Prim to go through all of this while these children don't. This is just another reason why I don't want children, why I refuse to bring a child into this world.

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