First Night

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The sun continues to blind me, my podium in directly in its path. I look around the arena, unable to make out any figure that looks like Peeta. They've put him on the opposite side as me. The spray of the waves reaches my face as I stare into the center of the arena. I watch the countdown. Last year I was told to run, to avoid the blood bath that was sure to commence at the cornucopia. This year, I have to get the bow. 10...9...8...7...6... I prepare to dive off the platform. I'll go straight for the bow and get Peeta and we'll get out of here. 5...4...3...2...1... the gong sounds. I take a breath and dive into the water. The water is cold, but it's tolerable. I kick harder and swim faster. Finally, I reach the rocky path that leads to the cornucopia.

I pull myself up, slipping as I try to climb onto the rocks. Eventually I make my way onto the path and begin to run. I instinctively reach down to hold my stomach, for whatever good that will do to protect my daughter. I notice someone else running, I can't tell which district from here. I reach the cornucopia and grab the bow, swinging the bag of arrows over my shoulder and grabbing one, loading my bow. I hear someone approaching and shoot, striking one of the tributes in the ankle as they fall off the rocky path. I pull another arrow and draw back my bow, coming face to face with Finnick. He exchanges small talk with me about the water as I debate if I should shoot or not.

"Good thing we're allies right?" He smirks as he holds up his wrist.

He is wearing Haymitch's gold bangle on his wrist. I consider the possibility of this being a trick, but I know it's a message from Haymitch. He thinks I need allies and I need to trust Finnick. I made is clear I wanted it to be just Peeta and I, no allies. Apparently Haymitch has made those choices for me.

"Duck," he orders. I do as he says without question as he launches a trident over my head. The sound it makes as it pierces the skin of its victim is nauseating. I take a couple of deep breaths. "Don't trust one and two." He tells me as he pulls his trident from the body.

I quickly make my way to the edge of the rocky mound and lean over, throwing up into the water. This is something I don't have time for. I feel someone rubbing my back. Once I've emptied my stomach I look back, seeing Mags. Finnick is beside us guarding, however no one has tried to come near us during my episode. I rise quickly and gather more arrows from the pile of supplies and an extra bow. Finnick and I both take a side and I shoot at anyone advancing on us. I manage to land an arrow onto Gloss's calf as he dives back into the safety of the water.

"Katniss! Peeta's over here," Finnick yells at me as I run to where he is standing. I get there just in time to see Peeta struggling against a platform with another tribute. As I'm unloading my gear, Finnick grabs my arm. "What are you doing?"

"Let go of me. I'm getting Peeta."

"No, you're not. I'll go. Better not exert yourself, not in your condition."

He gives me a look. Right... the baby. He dives into the water. Peeta and the other tribute disappear beneath the waves. I hear the cannon sound. Finnick stops swimming. Mags is beside me and gently takes my arm. I don't fight against her, I know I could get her off and go after Peeta, but there's no use. I stand, watching for someone to come up from the water. There was only one cannon, one of them is alive. Within seconds, Peeta breaks the surface of the water. Finnick quickly grabs him and gets him back to the edge where I'm standing. I do a quick scan of the area, no one seems to be pursuing us. I kneel down and help get Peeta onto the rocks. He helps me to my feet and immediately pulls me against him.

"Hey," he smiles at me, "so we've got allies." He wastes no time pressing his lips against mine.

After he pulls away, we turn to face Finnick and Mags. He motions for us to join them. Once we reach them, he informs us we need to be leaving the beach and helps Mags onto his back. We all head into the jungle, trying to get as far away from the beach as possible before sundown, and hopefully find a water supply. We continue to make our way through the thick vegetation, Peeta walking in front of us with a long knife, cutting everything out of our way. Our goal is to reach the other side of the hill and begin looking for water. As we reach the top of the hill, I notice the glowing square area above the trees. I instantly connect it with the force field seen in the private sessions and on the roof at the tribute center. There is no other side of this hill, instead there is a force field directly in our path. Peeta continues swinging his knife, not noticing the danger ahead of him. I yell out as the illusion of trees disappears for a second and a zapping sound fills my ears. Peeta flies back at us, landing on the ground a few feet away from me.

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