Last Night

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Peeta and I make our way off the elevator and down the hallway to our dining area. We look around for Haymitch and Effie, not seeing either of them. Has Snow killed them for keeping the secret? For lying for us? I make my way over to the connecting room and sit on the couch, the TV shows the capital symbol and message informing us that the scheduled program has been canceled, they won't be replaying the interviews like last year. Peeta sits beside me. I can't help thinking about my mom and Prim, Gale and his family, even Peeta's family. They will be left to deal with the fallout from this announcement, they will be left to answer the questions and face Snow to answer for our actions after he kills us in the arena.

I hear footsteps behind us, glancing back to see Effie and Haymitch. I get up quickly and walk over to them, Peeta following close behind me. We all stop just outside of the doorway. Something isn't right, I can tell this much from their faces. We have just declared war on Snow with our announcement, after keeping him in the dark for this long.

"The baby bomb was a stroke of genius. It's madness out there right now. They've already canceled the recap of the interviews. But they're sending everyone else home," Haymitch says this, and I can tell that what follows isn't good news.

"What do you mean everyone else? Are they calling for the games to be canceled?" Peeta asks him, his voice filling with hope.

"They don't even know what to ask for. They haven't had anything like this before. But Snow won't cancel the games."

"Who are they sending home?" I look between Haymitch and Effie, they share a look, neither looking at me, "Haymitch."

"They're sending us home. Everyone expect for the tributes and necessary capital staff are allowed here now and gates are going up to surround the center and Snow's house. Everyone is after him for these games, even his people. Effie and I leave in an hour."

I take a breath, this was not the news I expected to hear from him, but I guess it was what I should expect. Snow is isolating us so that no one can help us. I look at Peeta, the same realization slowly creeps onto his face. We're alone. Effie pulls out a locket and bracelet. Giving one to Peet and one to Haymitch.

"Gold, to match Katniss's pin. We are all united and we will never stop fighting for you. I'm so proud of you my victors," Effie ushers both of us into a hug. Peeta and I switch between her and Haymitch. "I'll see you, both of you, and that baby, when you win this game."

"Any last advice?" I ask Haymtich as they turn to leave.

"Stay alive sweetheart." He smiles softly before him and Effie both disappear from our view.

I make my way over to the couch and sit down. Peeta joins me, however he makes no effort to break the silence. I'm not sure how long we sit there, but eventually Peeta reaches over, pulling me against him and kissing my cheek. He rests his hand on my stomach. I relax into him, glad to have him holding me, even if this might be out last night together. Peeta picks me up and carries me into our room, laying me on the bed and getting in beside me, pulling me against him again. I lean up to him, pressing my lips against his.

"Katniss," His voice is hoarse, but I can hear the longing in it.

"I want you Peeta, tonight might be the last night I get to be with you and I want you."

I press my body against him. He doesn't tell me no, instead he responds with unzipping my dress. Afterwards, we lay in our bed, he holds me as he rubs my back, his other hand resting on my stomach. Our baby kicks against his hand. I smile at the feeling, placing my hand on his, I have to keep them alive. We lay there in silence until we both eventually drift off to sleep.

In the morning, the alarm in the room goes off and I feel Peeta shift bedside me as he turns it off. Today we will enter into the arena for the second time for who knows how long and I have two people I have to keep safe now. Peeta kisses my forehead, but he doesn't say anything to me as we get up and put on clothes, heading to the dining room. I'm too nervous to eat, I just pick at pieces of the food. We don't say much to each other as we prepare to leave. We get on the elevator to go down to meet our prep teams.

"Katniss, I don't know what deals you made with Haymitch, but he made me promises too. He is going to do whatever it takes to save you and our baby, I made him promise me."

"We aren't leaving that arena without you. We love you Peeta."

"I love the two of you Katniss."

He wraps his arms around me and holds me as the elevator descends. Once we reach the lowest level, he gives me a soft kiss and promises to find me in the arena. We go in different directions and Cinna greets me at the end of the hall. He smiles as he embraces me and leads me into the room with my prep team.

The next couple of hours are spent getting ready. My prep teams handles my hair and makeup, ensuring I look my best to go into this bloodbath. Once they're finished with me, they leave, leaving just Cinna and I. He unzips the bag that has my uniform for the games in it. A wetsuit.

"Based on the outfit, I'd say the arena will be some form of tropics or deserts. Either way, first thing you need to do is find water, you won't last long without it."

"Thank you Cinna."

I force a smile as I walk into the small corner of the room that has the curtain surrounding it to change. As I take my clothes off, I look down at my stomach, my baby is in there, Peeta's baby is in there. I cradle it softly, I will keep this baby safe, no matter what the cost is. The baby kicks me again, almost as if thanking me. I pull on my wetsuit, my bump a distinct feature of the costume. I walk out back out to Cinna and he puts the mockingjay pin on my wetsuit.

"You know, I'm still betting on you Girl on Fire."

"Ten seconds to launch," the overhead speaker announces.

With this announcement Cinna helps me into the tube and it closes around me. I look above my head but see nothing that indicates what type of arena I'm about to go into. The platform doesn't move. I look around thinking maybe we heard the wrong announcement. Cinna locks eyes with me as the door to the prep room swings open. Immediately peacekeepers attack him. I claw at the glass, willing it to open so I can help him. Screaming out for him. The peacekeepers begin to drag his bloodied body away as the platform rises.

Snow did this on purpose, one last message to me. I've struggling to catch my breath as the platform continues and a bright light begins to fill the tube. The light becomes more blinding as I rise more, and I hear something that sounds like water. The platform finally reaches the top and I'm greeted by an island arena, water surrounding me and no way to the land expect through the water. The countdown to the games begins and I watch the numbers on the screen in the middle of the arena. I don't see Peeta, my baby kicks against me. She knows we don't belong here. I place my hands on my bump instinctively, wanting to protect her. The waves continue hitting the platform I'm standing on. This is no place for the girl on fire. 

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