4.I Met God, She's Black

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In the morning i'm slightly groggy because a certain asshole kept me up all night. Not only can i not forget how i melt when he touched me, i am also very clear on the fact that he's coming after me. And the worst part is he knows exactly who i am but i have no idea who he is. 

Today i wake up for my morning session which is just cardio, thankfully. i don't have the mind to do anything else. So i walk downstairs to the main field to meet the other agents and trainees that are already working out. The sky's a darker blue than normal today, stormy. Many people train in this base, most of the people on the track are probably trainees, fresh out of the Farm. It is not very likely to have many agents in the base at the same time. This is the home away from the Langley headquarters. I'm the odd one out, walking slowly by myself instead of with a group and with an injured leg. The damage wasn't very strong. The bullet was a 9mm and my muscle just stopped it from shattering my bone. It still hurts like hell came down on me. 

 i still feel eyes on me, but not the ones from the trainees, but as if i was being watched. As if he was watching me. 

a mile in, i feel a hand touch my shoulder. Utter shock and adrenaline. In one move i grab it and slam my elbow on the attacker's neck as i force them to fall to the ground with me on top with a clear advantage.  the closer to your target, the more dangerous you become. 

"Fuck!" i hear from a complete stranger. then i catch sight of Mako, one of the agents in TEST01 laughing to himself in front of a group of trainees. i let a big breath out from above him. he probably sent this poor guy out here to see what happened to him. 

"you think that's funny?" i yell over at Mako. "you should let me do it to you" i raise my eyebrows. but he, shocked welcomes the challenge and signals fro me to come over. 

i leave the track and walk a little too fast towards him, i'm tempted to jump on his neck but i have a bullethole on my thigh. shit. i slow down. and look off into the distance, regretting this. Why am i like this again? "wow I've never been more depressed in my entire life" i comment. 

"were you gonna do a flying triangle on me?" he asks and i gasp. how did he know? am i predictable. oh god. 

"how did you- .... irrelevant. i can't jump, apparently" i roll my eyes. "i didn't know you were an instructor"

"i'm not, i'm just covering. That was good Prowse. you admitting you're impaired. first step to recovery is acceptance and shit" 

"Impaired?" i repeat. he sounded... serious. does he actually think i'm incapable of getting shit done? He says breathless and looks at his wrist band. 

"aaaand we're needed in operations so... you guys run or something." he tells this to his trainees.

"and they call you an expert"

"expert... in other matters, not necessarily teaching." with that we begin walking towards the main building and arrive sweaty as pigs to operations and onto TEST01's control room. 

 Alex is still wearing pajamas and sitting down on the oval glass table. everyone else is here including some analysts and other older men.

" did you sleep here?" i ask him. Alex was, kicked out of MIT for hacking NASA's servers, now he gets paid more than probably any MIT graduate. His hair is a dirty blond and his locks fall on his face so gracefully, he takes care of his hair better than i do of mine.

"skylar" he looks at me. "please, this is the new fashion standard for geniuses, i don't know why you're all not jumping on the train" 

"cause the train stinks, shower" i tell him and take my assigned seat. 

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