12.killing in pairs.

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He smirks at me from the opposite side of the room. "i'm not scared of you Kaden, i haven't been scared in a very long time"

"oh is that right?" He walks to me. Gun in hand. "last night you seemed pretty afraid. of what? exactly." He raises his eyebrows. "was is The Altar? you just finished it. that's why you've got 5 different scars. deep ones. i was told you broke through the glass. so did i." he speaks so slowly it's killing me. "we're more alike than you want to think. we're cold. we torment people. you kill just like i kill, you're not better than me. but this is MY game." i sit across from him at the dining table. "and you're either with me or against me and you cannot survive me. no one ever has. you've been burnt. blacklisted. you're very close to losing your immunities. Hanging out with me and all. now... you either fight this war with me.... or you go back to being whoever you think you are. i'll let you go. it's your choice"

 Getting blacklisted is hell on earth. the agency burns you, they freeze your accounts, invalidate your assets, cancel all your passports and put you on every agency's wanted lists. Not to even say as soon as the notice goes out the FBI starts tracking your every movement. i know why they did it. they've been afraid of me blowing up for a while. My tests have suggested i'm a near copy of Kaden Ryan, the rogue agent who caused more problems for the CIA than it ever solved. The bombing of the clinic had me on a thread, Kaden showing up at the same place as my op cut it. 

"have 24 hours to report or give some sign, if you don't, you'll be a fugitive"

My eyes wate. they water for the first time in months. He's making me lose all my walls. "i don't break Kaden. what are you doing to me?"

he walks to me and leans down. His pupils dilate. "i'm not breaking you." his eyes seem concerned. "you're honest with your shit Prowse, you know this is not a war you can win. Not against me. we're too alike, i think you're smart enough to know we'd break each other"

Facing myself again i look at him from under my lashes and know he's right. We'd tear each other apart. And i think i was broken long before he found me. i was just pretending. but so was he. 

"i've lost EVERYTHING!" i yell at him standing up . "because of you! because of you! i'm scared because of you!" i push his chest but he doesn't respond to my attack. Feeling hatred for someone unleashed emotions i didn't think possible, and some i hid away in that white box. He's making me remember what it feels like to hate, what it feels like to lust. what it feels like to want someone.

"SO HAVE I! I don't even have a family anymore! I've lost my life to this shit!" he suddenly punches the glass wall next to him. "i've lost far more than you have and i'm here. You're stronger than that Skylar don't bullshit me. you've endured most damage than any person i know. Your fucking leg is shot for fuck's sake and you're not asking me to patch it up." He swallows and grabs my jaw. "i'm coming for Jose, for His ring. for the Russian agency that's trying to control your country. For the man in charge. These are fucked up times. I need you to do this, for... tactical support.... But if you don't want to, i will not force you." He lets me go and retreats to his room to pick up his bags. Leaving me alone. 

i can't think straight. i can't be considered a fugitive i mean, Steve wouldn't do that, he doesn't dislike me that much. He trusted me. i take the landline phone from the kitchen and dial my base's phone number. "i would like to tack my pizza delivery." i say out of protocol.

"of course, please tell me your order number"

"28480" i reply the helpline to report to in cases like these.

"i'm sorry but you have been blacklisted." before they can transfer me i hang up before i strain my jaw so hard i want to throw the phone into a lion's mouth. shit. shit. shit. i knew this would happen, as soon as Steve told me i was too similar to Kaden i knew he was afraid. right now i'm being hunted by every government agency as well as Kaden. i can't let them get to me, if i do i could be eliminated just like many agents have been before. i knew he knew. but this is not a time to regret past decisions. this is the time to think, and like i've been trained to do, run. 

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