Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Week 12- The baby weighs half of an ounce and is 2 inches long. The hands are more developed than the feet, while the arms are longer than the legs. The baby can move on it's own now, but you cannot feel the movements.


Waking up, I see the ultrasound picture framed on my nightstand, and I smile.

When I and Clyde walked out of the doctor's office, we went our separate ways. I immediately went to Walgreens to buy picture frames.

Maybe pickles and Nutella, too. Don't judge a pregnant woman.

When I got home, I placed all the ultrasound pictures in picture frames and set them around the apartment.

Considering my baby looks like a real potato, I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually thought I hung potatoes on my wall.

For the last week, I'd try to walk by one and fail, stopping for about 5 minutes to stare at the little person inside of my stomach.

And waking up is a whole different story. I get the honor of seeing that little sack-potato-like object every night when I fall asleep, and every morning when I wake up. I couldn't be any more happy.

Jumping for joy because today was a Saturday and I didn't have to work, I hopped out of bed and went into the shower.

Contemplating what I'd do today, I decided to head down to Central park for a nice pretzel. They have the best pretzels in Central park; I highly suggest you visit a pretzel stand and see what I'm talking about.

Leaving the rest of the day unplanned, I jumped out of the shower and into a warm fluffy towel, walking into my closet to decide what I'd be wearing today.

Since I'm pregnant and all, some clothes aren't fitting me. Like the really tight ones. But since I don't have an actually visible bump yet, I can get away with loose sweaters and leggings, which wasn't that perfect considering it was almost summer.

What was the excuse I was going to give my boss? "I'm cold"? He'll totally fall for that.

Getting dressed in a huge maroon colored sweater and some black leggings, I head back into the bedroom. Jumping from joy when I see I've gotten a text, I unlock my phone and read it.

*Clyde Lyles:

Hey, Stila! I was wondering if you'd be interested in going to coffee? Or tea. Or decaffeinated coffee. Whatever one you'd prefer.

Not knowing what emotion I feel at the moment, I reply with a sure and we agree to meet at a shop around central park in an hour and a half, giving me enough time to do my hair, makeup, and get the yummy pretzel.


Arriving at the coffee shop only 5 minutes late, I tap myself on the back. Literally. In the middle of the busy New York city streets.

I walk in and, immediately, my eyes zero in on Clyde, drinking coffee from a mug and looking out of the window.

First, I go to the counter and order a black tea lemonade and walk over to Clyde when my drink is finished.

"Hey!" I say, sitting down across from him.

He jumped and looked over. Realizing that it was just me, he blushed and said hi back.

"What's your favorite color," he blurts out, after a few seconds of unwanted silence.

"Uh- what?"

"Sorry, I'm just trying to get to know you better. I want us to be friends," he replies, taking a sip of his coffee and looking at me intensely.

"Pink. What about yours?"

"I like blue. Blue like a clear, cloudless sky during the day. It's the perfect color to just stare at and get lost in for hours." I quickly take a sip of my coffee. I could see why he was the CEO of his own company now. His words are bloody genius.

"I sometimes do that. Stare at the sky for hours. It calms me, in a way. I feel at peace to look at something I can and will never be able to touch."

"It's truly mesmerizing. What was your most embarrassing moment?" He asks.

"Oh goodness. Hmm..." I say. Should I tell him the truth? He does deserve to know what 50% of his child's genes are going to be like. "One time I sneezed at work, and I was wearing a skirt. My tampon shot out of me like a missile."

He began laughing hysterically, while I sat in the corner drinking my tea with a blushed face. Why do I even try with blush anymore?

"Oh my gosh, that's hilarious. Was anyone around you?" he asks.

"No, thank god. If someone were, I would've quit my job and moved to Machu Picchu." I say with a straight face.

"That's one of the best things I've heard in awhile," he says. "What do you like to do for fun?"

"I'm really into makeup. And shopping. And makeup shopping." I reply back.

"Of course you are."

"What about you? What does Mr. CEO man like to do?" I ask him, smirking. Or at least trying to smirk. I think I looked like a dying pig.

"I like baseball. I'm addicted to batting cages," he answers.

And that was how the next 4 hours of my life was spent, sitting with Clyde and slowly, gradually becoming friends with him.

He wasn't actually that bad once you got inside of his exterior walls. He was quite the charming lad.

When he realized he needed to go, we made plans to see each other in a few weeks at our next ultrasound. We even gave each other a hug, which was a pretty big step in our relationship.

I walked home in pure bliss, counting down the seconds I could see his smiling face again. 


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Song: Wannabe by the Spice Girls

In case you haven't noticed, I've posted three times this week. I'll probably post more after my surgery. If I make it out alive. Wish me luck.

XOXO, Cooler_Thank_You_101

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