Chapter Twenty-Four

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Song this chapter:  Price Tag by Jessie J (Because why not)

Chapter Twenty-Four

Week 26- The baby's skin has taken on color. The baby's lungs are starting to produce surfactant (a substance that is necessary for the function of the lungs after the baby has left the womb).


"We are not going with blue!" I huff out, annoyed with Clyde and his stereotypical brain.

"Stila! Blue is the boy color. Pink is the girl color. If we were having a girl, you'd demand for the room to be pink," Clyde argued back, dropping the blue curtain so that the bottom flowed to the ground.

It was Saturday, and we were shopping for Alden's room. We hadn't gotten farther than picking up different curtains, feeling they're textures and arguing about the color.

"Of course it would be pink! Pink is my favorite color, and I'm a conceited bitch who needs her daughter to be exactly like her," I reply, picking up a green fabric and rubbing it in between my fingers. Angrily forcing the fabric into his face, I say "What about green? Do you feel this? Do you see it? It's a perfect baby color."

"Stila, blue is perfect! If you were having a baby shower, which by the way I'm still pissed off that you aren't, everyone would be bringing blue! Blue is a baby color!" He said, nicely pushing the fabric out of my face.

"Fine, we'll go with frickin' blue! But only if you drop the baby shower arguement," I said, raising my eyebrow and willing him to disagree.

"Fine," he sighed, complying. "You're going to make my hair grey by the end of the year," he murmured, walking away with a nice sky blue curtain fabric in his hand.

Shaking my head and grinning, I walk over to look at the baby clothes section.

Deciding I could do without my usual Starbucks for a week, I pick out a cute blue newborn outfit for Alden to wear when he first leaves the hospital.

"What are you doing, Stila?" Clyde purred, coming up from behind me and sliding a hand across my stomach, his other holding a box of blue curtains.

"Picking out an outfit for the baby to go home in. I figured my Starbucks decaf tea could be forgotten for a week so that I can get it," I reply, admiring the outfit.

Sullenly, Clyde stepped back. "What makes you think you're paying for anything today?" He asks.

"The gift card you gave me for christmas, maybe?" I reply, shaking my head and giving him a duh look.

"Stila, don't be stupid. That's not what that gift cards for." He said, wrapping a hand around mine and leading me toward the cribs.

"Well, then what is it for?" I ask, allowing him to lead me.

"It's for the times I'm not with you, and you refuse to use the credit card I gave you."

"Clyde, for the last time, take the stupid card back," I said, referring to the card he had given me a few days prior. He said it was for me to buy anything I have ever wanted and more. And because I'm not a greedy gold digger, I declined. Of course he won't accept defeat.

"No, it's yours and you'll use it," he snapped, but not in an angry way. In an "I-won't-give-up" way.

"We'll discuss it later," I murmured, drawing my hand from his and walking over to a perfectly white crib. "This one."

"A white crib?" Clyde asked, coming up from behind and resting both his hands on either side of me.

"It's perfect," I say in reply, too invested in the beauty of the crib.

"I guess it's Alden's then."

Smiling, I turn around and take him into the biggest hug I could managed without my stomach getting in the way. "Thank you," I whisper.

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