Chapter Twenty-Six

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Song: Let it Go by James Bay


Chapter Twenty-Six

Week 28- The eyes can open and close while sense changes. The baby weighs about 2 ½ pounds while being 14 inches long.


"Hey, honey. I'm sorry but I'll be a little late tonight. Just cover my dinner in aluminum foil and place it in the fridge, I'll eat it when I get home." Clyde's voice says to me from my phone's voicemail.

Sighing with frustration, I blow out the candles that were lit on the dining room table and take my dish to the couch, where I put on the US version of Shameless.

Letting my thoughts drift from the inappropriate body parts on the screen, I can't help but feel pissed off. This was the 3rd time this week Clyde called and told me he wasn't going to make it to dinner and was going to be late.

I have to keep telling myself Clyde's the CEO, and I'm lucky to get him on weekends. But will this be how it is when the baby comes? Will he have time for us?

I decided that a confrontation was in order. I know I can't expect his job to be from 9 am to 5 pm, but he can at least get home before Midnight.

Dragging two comfy, soft plush blankets from the living room closet, I shut the lights off and lay down on the couch, content on aimlessly watching Shameless until Clyde gets home.

After about 2 hours, I look at the digital clock placed next to the TV and see that it's Eleven. I decide that I should rest a little. With my drowsy eyes, I turn the TV off and call Cluff so that he can be my cuddle buddy during sleep.

With tired eyes, I close my eyes and let Cluff's soft purring lure me to sleep.



My eyes open to the Cascading light that is being illuminated by the Apartment building's hallway. A shadowy figure walks inside and closes the door. He shuts away the light and, I would assume, blindly makes his way past the living room doorway.

Clearing my throat, I make myself known.

"Stila? Is that you?" The gruff voice, also known as Clyde's, says, taking steps backward until he is in the doorway again.

"Yes," I rasp, my voice still affected by the two hours of sleep I was managed to get.

"What are you doing in the living room at one in the morning?" He asks, turning the light on and revealing his roughed suit without a tie.

"Where's your tie?" I ask, caution evident in my eyes.

"I took it off hours ago. Stila, why are you still awake?" He asks again, protectiveness heard in his voice.

"Your lack of having dinner with me is a big problem, Clyde. We never fall asleep together. We never see each other! You leave in the mornings before I am even awake, and come back home when I'm sleeping. The only times we see each other is during the weekend. It's like a Dominant and Submissive relationship, here! The only thing different is that you managed to get me pregnant... and of course, I'd never allow you to stick it in my butt." I ranted. By the end of it, I was pacing the floor, out of breath, an arm wrapped underneath my bulging stomach.

"And you think there's something I could do about it? It's not like I knocked you up on purpose! I didn't ask for this! I was fully content with having one night stands until I'm thirty, and marrying a Trophy wife so I could give my money away instead of my love." He spat back, his arms waving around and his eyes looking furious.

"Is that really how you feel?" I choke out, tears brimming my eyes.

Gone was the furious look in his eyes, replaced with regret and worrying.

"Stila, baby. Of course not," he whispers, walking toward me.

Holding up a hand, I back away and rest the other over my mouth, in hopes of keeping in the Sobs.

"I think it'd be best if I go and stay with Theo for right now," my hoarse voice says.

"Stila," he breathes, with the dejected surprised look.

Hurrying to pass him, I manage to avoid contact with the hand that tried reaching out and grasping me. I quickly made my way into the bedroom and packed 2 outfits.

Passing the living room again, I see Clyde standing in the same place, with not an inch of him moved.

Shaking my head and allowing myself to release the tears, I take out my phone and call a Taxi while riding down the elevator.

Because of the late time, the Taxi was able to be pulled up by the time I had managed to walk out the building.

Giving it one last look, I climb into the Taxi and give the driver the address to Theo and Zackies apartment building.

Silent sobs and salty tears were the only things present in the car ride. 



Xoxo, Cooler_Than_You_101

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