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Tryouts were finally over and I proved to coach how much I wanted to keep my captain position. I actually stepped out of my comfort zone and worked with others rather than just Monique. I showed them my techniques and lead most of the scrimmages.

Today was our first game with Coach Styles by our side. We are currently on the bus to our competitors school. I sat in the front with Monique next to me.

"Hey, we're here." Monique tells me after pulling one of my earbuds out.

I sit up straight and spot the school we were pulling up to. Coach Styles stands up and faces the bus full of his players.

"Okay, so just a reminder that our starters are Rylee, Monique, Leslie, Kourtney, Brit and Kate." he reminds us of the plan. "Please don't let me regret my decision with this team."

"We won't coach." Monique smiles.

His eyes shoot over to our direction and he smiles. "My two captains shouldn't. Isn't that right, Eversteen?"

I nod,"Yes sir."

The bus comes to a stop and everyone files out. Monique and I stay back with coach to make sure everyone is off. Monique checks the back of the bus while I stood there awkwardly waiting.

"All clear coach."

"Thank you, Kenneth." he laughs at her fun behavior. He reaches for the shelf over my head and grabs her bag. "There you go,"

"Thanks," she giggles, exiting from the bus.

Then he reaches over again and grabs my bag. He hands it to me and I grip the strap to take it.

"I want to see the person you were this past week on the court today." he says, keeping his grip on the strap. "Don't let me down, Eversteen."

"I won't." I say softly.

"Louder, Eversteen." he demands. "I need that confidence in you."

"I won't let you down Coach Styles." I nod with a smile. "Better?"

"Better." he grins, showing those dimples. "Lets go win." he says, moving out of my way.

We enter the gym after changing in the locker room. People were just filling the seats when we start warm ups.

Coach gathers us up to warm up before we start. He has us stretch and warm up our legs. We spread out on one side of the court and toss a ball around to practice our sets.

After a little while, the game begins and coach tells us our position again. I was on the far left in the front. Monique was getting ready to serve and when she does, my adrenaline rises. I watch the ball fly over and back.

"I got it!" I announce, shifting right. Next thing, I was on the floor. Someone had pushed me from getting the ball. I look up to see Leslie with wide eyes. "I said I had it." I say, standing up from the help of Kourtney and Brit.

"It was coming in between us." she argues.

"But I sai-"

"Eversteen, it was a miscommunication." Coach says from the sidelines. "Continue with the game and Rylee–" Coach calls me before the ball was served from the other side. "Remember what I said."

I nod, preparing for the next round. The ball is served and it was going toward Leslie. I look over to Leslie and gesture to her.

"Assist, Leslie." I quickly tell her.

She completely ignores me by hitting it behind her. Since Kate was off guard she falls to her knees to try and get the ball, but she misses. The crowd cheers because most of them went to this school.

"Leslie, I said to assist."

"Sorry, I didn't hear you."

I grip my hips tightly, turning to look at coach. I was trying to contain myself from an outburst. I rarely have outbursts and she was one reason why I would.

"Come on, Eversteen." Coach claps. "You have other teammates to communicate with."

I inhale deeply and put my attention back on the game. I try avoiding Leslie and set the ball to someone else. We eventually tie up to the other team when it was time for our break.

"Great job guys." Coach praises.

"I didn't get to hit the ball once." Leslie complains.

I swallow my water and breathe out. "I tried hitting it to you, but every time you'd mess it up."

"Maybe you should speak up."

"No one else had a problem." I point out. "And I shouldn't have to tell you what to do every time because you should know. You're on the varsity team for god's sake."

"Eversteen," Coach scolds. "Leslie, I need you to cooperate and work with the team." he advises her. "Eversteen, come with me."

I follow coach out into the empty hall sure that he would lecture me about my attitude.

"I know, I'm sorry about my attitude." I apologize before he even spoke. "That's not who I am, I'm just very frustrated by this new girl that some how got onto the vars-"

"Rylee," he chuckles, reaching to gently squeeze my shoulder. "That is what a team captain is supposed to do. Put their teammates in check and you did just that by actually speaking up. I'm proud of you, but I want you to tone it down a notch. I don't want my players to be put down too much and aren't able to play."

I blush. "Alright and thanks."

"You're welcome," he smiles. "I'm going to take Leslie out for the rest of the game. Will that help you cool down?"

"Actually yes," I sigh out with relief. "May I ask why did yo-"

"Lets not talk about this right now." he says, shaking his head. "I want you out there and making a win."

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