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Finals week had gone by and I hadn't seen Harry since prom night

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Finals week had gone by and I hadn't seen Harry since prom night. Tomorrow is the last day for seniors and our teachers need to sign this paper before releasing us. I didn't quite understand, but it was a waste of my time. Coach Payne covered for Harry for the past few weeks he's been out. I swear he's missed more school this semester than the skipper of this class.

"So principal Parker just informed me that coach Styles will be coming in tomorrow to sign your papers." Coach Payne tells us. "So don't try to skip the last day."

The class ends and coach calls me over. He wanted to meet after school with a few of the volleyball girls. He wanted me to help train a few of them for varsity tryouts next year. Since I'm only spending half of my summer in California, I'm able to put all my work in it.

Throughout the day, I finished getting the signatures I needed. There was just the empty one where Harry had to sign. After school, I make my way to the gym, thinking of what I would do after talking to these girls. Monique will be busy working later and Alec will probably get on my nerves until he goes to bed for work.

A little cry disrupts my thoughts as I walked down the hall. It was much louder when I pass Harry's office. I frown, looking between his office and the court. I roll my eyes because I really hate this indecisive thing about me. Another cry sounded loudly and quite painfully. I knock on the door, slowly opening it. Someone kept shushing over the little cry.


Harry was rocking a car seat on his desk. He glances at me, trying to comfort the baby, but he stressfully runs he hands through his hair looking down at his desk. I shut the door then made my way over to him to rub his back.

"I-I can't do this, Rylee." his voice was strained. He kept his head down and his hands in his hair. "I can't be a teacher and coach all while being a parent. She won't stop crying and I tried everything."

"Yes you can," I assure him, lifting the blanket the kind of covered the car seat. The baby was very small and red from crying. "You just need to get use to the job of parenting before coming back to your actual job." I say, carefully lifting the crying baby. I hold her her head, letting it rest on my arm. "It's only been like what– three weeks, less than a month. A newborn should be at home."

"The doctor said it was fine as long as she's not exposed to too much sun." Harry waves off, still not looking at me. I rock the baby who was still crying. I spot the pacifier in front of Harry and carefully lean over to grab it. "I already tried-" he stops when the crying stops and she was sucking on the pacifier. He inhales deeply. "She hates me. That must be it."

"Harry, where's Caroline?"

"She's at the hospital getting her stitches checked." he tells me, rubbing his face. "They performed an emergency c-section and there were some complications, but she's fine now."

"Then why aren't you there?"

"She didn't want me there, so I had to bring her with me to watch."

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