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The night shift on Saturday is very busy. The Ravalon was one of the most popular restaurants in town. I regret getting a job here, but I get paid really well. Since it's popular, more tips, plus the 4.50 I get an hour. Monique and I were able to snag a job here because we started working here since the day it opened.

"Rylee, take this to table five and your table two has been attended." Austin, my manager, tells me.

I don't speak a word, but take the tray of food to table five. I serve it, ignoring the comments from the high school boys. They come once a month and ask for one of my tables that I wait and verbally harass me, but I've gotten used to it. I drop the food off, making my way to table two. I pull out my note-pad from my apron.

"Hello, I'm Rylee and I'll be your waitress for the night." I say, clicking the pen.

My eyes set on the familiar green ones. "Rylee, it's nice to see you again." Caroline chirps. "Quite a small town isn't it."

"Ye-yeah, it is." I stutter, forcing a smile. "So, uh- what can I get for your drinks?"

"I'll have water and Harry would like some beer."

"What kind?" I look up from my notepad.

"What's good?" he finally speaks.

I start listing the popular types that everyone gets when they come here. He chooses the first one I list and Caroline speaks up.

"We're going to need some time to choose our food." she tells me.

"Alright, I'll be right out with your drinks." I smile awkwardly, leaving the two.

I set the paper at the bar then I go on to check one of my other tables. I find a way to make it to Monique's side of the restaurant.

"Coach is at table two." I say as I walk past her to the bar.

I watch her search and she laughs. She follows me and sets her list at the bar.

"That's his wife?" she asks and I nod. "She's pretty."

"Yeah," I raise my eyebrows, taking the drinks that were handed to me.

"Pretty girls are bitchy, which is probably why he's always so grumpy."

"Well, she's actually nice." I sigh, leaving her at the bar. "Are you ready to order?" I keep a smile, setting their drinks down.

Caroline does all the ordering and I try to keep up with all the side notes she added. I feel the eyes of Harry piercing into me as I wrote. It made me shake from intimidation.

"... and that should be it." she finishes, handing me the menu. I repeat the order, struggling to read my own handwriting from the shakiness.

"That's right." Harry says. "Very good job, Eversteen." he sends a wink and I blush.

"Thank you," I say softly. "I'll bring your order to the kitchen and just call me over if you need anything."

I walk away with weakened knees from the feeling of his stare. I give the order to the kitchen and meet Monique at the bar again.

"Are you okay?" she asks. "You look like you're going to barf."

"I-I need to go to the bathroom." I breathe heavily. "Can you cover my tables?"

"Yeah, take your time." she offers. "It looks like you need it."

I nod, walking across the restaurant into the hall where the bathrooms were. I enter the women's room and run into a couple old ladies. They wash their hands then leave me in the empty room. I pull my apron off, throwing it aside on the sink then I look at my pale face in the mirror.

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