The Screaming Bogey of Strathfully

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The Screaming Bogey of Strathfully

Remus had taken up the responsibility of watching the Charkorias chicks as they nestled together in the blankets that had kept their egg from drafts in the glass box. Newt had transfigured the light bulb to be blue in hopes the blue light would help simulate the moon and the little chicks seemed to appreciate the coloration change, though the light didn't do much to help them, though. He sat on the stool by the table he'd done Remus's operating at and fiddled with gadgets and spellwork, steeping himself in books and muttering as he tried to come up with a way to make an artificial moon or an artificial mum, but he was having quite a lot of trouble with it and everything he tried seemed not to work, and only set the chicks to peeping loudly.

Remus was sitting on his chairs with his Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook open on his lap, re-reading materials that they'd already covered. This particular book was the one he'd marked up the very most - the one from the year Veigler had taught the course, his favorite. And he flicked through the pages in an almost lazy fashion, listening to the chicks peep-peep-peep weakly in the tank, the Niffler laying across his lap, tugging at the zipper of the jumper Remus had borrowed from Ned Veigler.

"There must be a way..." muttered Newt and he tossed his wand to the table in frustration.

Remus looked up and the Niffler curled a bit tighter to Rey's stomach in surprise at the sudden exclamation from Newt.

Newt rubbed his forehead. "I need a break." He got up and climbed the ladder, pushing open just a small crack in the briefcase's edge. "Psst. Tina!" he hissed, "Tina."

"Hang on," she whispered back, her voice sounded magnified from within the case.

Newt sighed and slid back down the ladder, leaning against the wall impatiently.

Remus turned back to the book as Newt muttered about how he always let her out quickly when she asked... It was then that Remus's eyes lighted upon the page about Boggarts and he looked up. "Professor Veigler?"

Ned was looking over a textbook, having been seated on the opposite side of Newt Scamander, working on cracking the same puzzle. He looked up from the book to Remus, "Yes, Mr. Lupin?" he asked.

Remus got up (the Niffler huffed in annoyance as he was displaced) and he went over to Mr. Veigler, dropping the book onto the table before him and pushing it, open-faced on the page about Boggarts.

"Boggarts, yes, what about them?" Veigler asked, a look of confusion on his face.

"Well, sir, didn't you say once that a boggart has the same power as what it represents... except a bit weaker... but still the same powers?" Remus asked. "Like a poisonous snake bite might be deadly in real life, but a boggart's poison would merely maim?"

Ned Veigler considered this, "Yes, that's right," he said.

"Sir," Remus's voice climbed with excitement, "My boggart is a full moon."

Veigler's eyes lit up. "Newt..." he called, "Newt, come here, the boy's a genius and he's just come up with the answer. Come here, quickly."

Newt hurried over, forgetting that he wanted to leave the briefcase, and looked over Ned Veigler's shoulder at the textbook. "Boggarts?" asked Newt Scamander in surprise, "But however would a boggart help us with - with keeping the chicks alive?" he asked.

"My boggart's the full moon," Remus repeated.

It took a moment for the information to sink in, for two and two to fall together, but when it did - Newt's eyes went wide and he let out an exclamation, "AAH-HAA!! YES!" He grasped Remus by the cheeks, pulling him close and kissing his forehead with excitement. "THAT IS RIGHT BRILLIANT! YES! Oh my. Oh yes. That is BRILLIANT." He petted Remus in exhilaration. "And you don't mind? It is tiring, I know, holding a boggart, but... my goodness, absolutely brilliance... and the moon will be enough to hold them 'til the real moon rise and -- yes, absolutely brilliant. You're sure you don't mind, though?"

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