Official Club Business

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Official Club Business

Sirius walked purposefully down the hallway, trying to keep Jasper Odair's black hair in sight, but he disappeared in the jostling crowd fairly quickly. So Sirius had to look into every compartment to spot them. And when he finally did, Jasper and Lily had gone into a compartment alone.

Well this just won't do, Sirius thought.

He pushed the compartment door open. "Anybody seen Jasper?" he asked, tucking his head in and grinning, as though he hadn't already seen Jasper, "Oh-daaair you are," he sing-songed, making Jasper's name a pun. He laughed and let himself in. Jasper was carefully putting Lily's bag up on the overhead with his own things - including his broomstick. Sirius grinned and threw himself onto the bench next to Lily Evans, sprawling to take up all the space there. "This seat taken?" he asked after the fact, then, without waiting for the answer Lily had opened her mouth to give, he said, "Evans, I've come to make you an offer."

Lily checked her previou answer in favor of saying, "Bugger off Sirius."

Sirius grinned. "You're not my type, Evans. You lack certain bits of anatomy that are required for being buggering material."

Jasper looked over his shoulder, "Not very appropriate talk for being around a lady, Black."

Sirius looked up at him, "Sorry, Odair, I didn't mean to offend your delicate ears." He smiled.

Jasper stared at him, unamused.

Sirius leaned closer to Lily and petted her hair with his fingertips. "I have this brilliant idea."

Lily batted his hands off her, "Stop that."

"I want to start a club," Sirius said.

"A club?" Lily asked. "Sirius... please, I have more important --"

He pulled a badge out of his robes pocket and held it out to her.

"P.A.H.W.F.A.H.W.W.N.D.J.P.?" Lily said, reading the letters that were jammed into a giant brick of text on the badge. She looked up at him, "What the hell is this?"

"People At Hogwarts with Fucking Awesome Hair Who Would Never Date James Potter," Sirius declared. "It's very exclusive, this club, you see, and so far you and I are the only two in it."

"I didn't say I was going to be in it," Lily said.

"You have the badge. You're in the club." Sirius took it and stuck it to her robe, right next to the shiny gold prefect's badge, her face flushing. "There. It's all official like."

Lily rolled her eyes and looked at Jasper, who was sinking onto the bench opposite her, his eyes on Sirius, annoyed. "I'm sorry," Lily said to Jasper.

"No it's alright, sounds very... official."

Sirius said, "I'd ask you to be in it, Odair, but you'd probably date James Potter given the chance. Gay, aren't you?"

"Uh no..." Jasper looked at him funny.

"Sorry," Sirius said, "Blimey, I could've sworn... You just seem so... Dunno... Feminine? Guess I owe Remus a galleon now." He looked at Lily and whispered, "I think he's in denial, that one."

"Excuse me?" Jasper said, looking astonished.

Sirius grinned, "It's alright mate, I spent a good deal of time in denial myself."

Jasper looked angry.

Lily pushed Sirius, "Will you please go away?"

"Now wait just a minute," Sirius said, grinning, "I'm not quite done with official club business. See here, you'll be vice president of the club. I'm actual president because I bloody came up with it myself and I made the badges and everything."

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