Andy's Experiment

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Andy's Experiment

Once Landon and Olivia got everything under control (Sirius was given a detention for flying indoors on the Express, and was frogmarched back to the compartment where Peter was waiting by a very stern looking Olivia Duquette), the duties were outlined for the prefects and they were given clear instructions on appropriate behavior for those bearing the title of prefect, and also a list of misdemeanors and offenses that were most common about the castle and the corresponding punishment for the action. Remus quickly folded the list and tucked it very deep in his pockets. For some, this was a list of things that they shouldn't do. For Sirius Black, this was a list of fun stuff to try.

"Notice flying a broomstick on the Express is so offensive it didn't even make it onto the list," whispered Lily.

"Gotta give him credit for being persistent and, er, unique," Remus said lamely.

Lily shook her head.

They were allowed to sit with their friends for a little bit - until the time came to go and let everyone in their assigned cars that it was time to get dressed in their robes and school things for Hogwarts... Lily walked through the narrow train with Remus and she said, "You know, I am surprised that Potter wasn't up there helping out."

"Yeah," Remus muttered.

Lily stopped outside the compartment that belonged to the Marauders. "You're going to have to figure out some way to stand up to them, Rey, and make them behave. It's part of your job as prefect now."

"I know," Remus murmured, miserably.

"Just because they're your friends can't mean they have a free pass to mischief," she went on.

Remus wanted to melt into the carpet.

Lily sighed, "Alright, well I'll see you in a bit then. I can't wait to hear what all went on this summer with Mr. Scamander, we'll have to have a more private talk soon." She smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek as she often did, then went on down the corridor to find her friends. Remus stood there in the corridor for a moment before turning into the compartment.

"There he is!" said Sirius, looking up, "Our prefect. Rey, I've my feet up on the bench here, am I in trouble for it? Do I get another detention?"

Remus pushed Sirius's feet off the bench and sat where they'd been. "You git. What was that with the broomstick? What were you thinking? You could've been hurt. And on your train ride back right after being un-expelled? Are you mental?"

Sirius's grin deflated off his face. He hadn't thought of that. Luckily, it hadn't amounted to more than the usual detention - granted it was a detention with Slughorn, which was the worst sort of detention there was... but still... He studied Remus a moment, "Just messing around, really," he said, deciding admitting that he'd been trying to get Remus's attention would be the wrong answer right then.

Remus said, "Well, I looked like an idiot for it. I was quite literally in the middle of telling them how you'd matured over the summer and then you show up on a broom."

Peter couldn't help but snicker.

Remus looked around, "Where's James?"

Sirius said, "We dunno. Peter said he went to find me but I haven't seen him."

Remus frowned and looked at the door in concern. It was never a good idea to have James nor Sirius out of sight if you wanted to be sure there were no shenanigans going on...

When James had left the compartment to go after Sirius before, he'd been hurrying along the corridor when his elbow had been suddenly caught up and he'd been pulled into a compartment along the way. "Potter! Just the man we were about to go and pay a visit to! What timing." It was Frank Longbottom and he was in a compartment with Andy Woodhouse and Ali Prewitt.

The Marauders: Year Five #Wattys2017Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ