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Once again, Nico awoke to a disturbance in the kitchen. After getting dressed, he emerged from his room and was hit by what some would call music, but he would call noise. Very loud noise. Will was sprawled out on the kitchen floor, and the island was neatly organized with textbooks and charts. "You okay there, Will?"

"Mmm" Will mumbled into the floor. If he had said actual words, they unintelligible due to the noise and fact that Will had his face against the floor. Nico simply stood by Will's head and waited for him to look up.

Finally, after a few more moments, Will slowly sat up, leaning against the cupboards and sighed. "I'm perfectly peachy, thank you very much. Sorry if the music woke you, I couldn't find my headphones and I can't concentrate without it."

"No, that's fine. I wouldn't call that music though. Noise might be more appropriate. But seriously, what's up with you?" Nico poured himself some coffee. After Nico had tasted Will's coffee the first time, they altered the agreement to include coffee making along with cleaning up meals.

"I have a huge test tomorrow, so I was going to study until my shift this afternoon, but I can't read any of it, and therefore I am going to fail my test. Which would cause me to fail my year, and then I'll be a uni drop out, and work at McDonalds for the rest of my life instead of as a nurse." Will was about to slide down onto the floor again, but Nico stuck his foot out to stop him.

"I don't have classes for another couple hours, I'll help you study."

"Are you sure?" Will clarified and Nico nodded his head. "Thank you thank you thank you. I will forever be indebted to you." Nico just rolled his eyes at the blond's antics and tugged a textbook closer to him so he could read it.

"This isn't too bad, just memorizing bones. What are the bones in your hand?"

Will struggled for a moment but Nico didn't help him yet. "Umm that would be the phalanges, metacarpals, capitate, trapezoid, hamate, trapezium, pisiform, scaphoid, triquetral, lunate, ulna, and radius." Will pointed to the corresponding parts on his hand as he listed them out slowly.

"You aren't going to fail dumbass, you were just stressing out. You clearly do know this. What about in the foot?"

As Nico asked more questions, Will was answering more and more quickly. The stress weighing on his shoulders in regards to the test was gone and he found he actually did know all this, as Nico had said. They studied together until Will's alarm went off, startling both of them.

"Nico, seriously, thank you for helping me out this morning." Will said sincerely, packing up his books and clearing the island. When do you have class?"

"At five." Nico stood up as Will ducked into his room and grabbed his apron, stuffing it into his bag.

"If you stop by The Moose before class I'll give you a coffee on the house." Will was talking to Nico from the entryway, putting on his shoes and grabbing his keys. Nico didn't have a chance to respond before he was out the door.

May as well take advantage of his next two hours alone. He plugged his phone into the speaker and started playing his own music, which was infinitely better than what Will listened to. He didn't understand how anyone like eighties music, but each to their own.

Dragging his easel into the living room, he set up his supplies and put on his current show on Netflix to watch as he worked. He should be studying, but he knew the material enough to get a passing grade, and he hadn't painted in far too long. Living with someone was better than he expected it to be, but it didn't work out well for his art. The lighting in his room was terrible, and Nico hated working when there were people around him.

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