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"Nico!" Will shook him awake. "You need to get up."

"What's going on he mumbled." But then he clued in to the noise and realized they needed to get their butts downstairs immediately. "Where's Nyx?" Nico asked, grabbing a hoodie off the floor and his phone. People always say when the alarm goes off you leave without grabbing anything. That was crap. It was the middle of the night, he wasn't going outside without a jacket, and he needed his phone. He couldn't afford another one.

"Aww! You do care about her. Don't worry, I got her." Will said, unzipping his hoodie where her head popped out. "Let's go." They headed down the stairs together, along with all the other residents in the building.

"I don't see any flames or smoke." Nico said, standing out in the park across the street, staring at the building. He hoped to the gods that nothing had happened and that it was simply a false alarm. Wouldn't be the first time. There were a lot of smokers in the building and they didn't always listen to the 'no smoking indoors' rule. It also could have very well been another person stumbling back drunk and deciding it would be fun to pull the alarm.

"You okay there?" Will asked Nico, leaning closer to him so that they could hear each other over all the commotion.

"Yeah, why?"

"You just sort of...give off the impression that you want to murder everyone here, That's all." Will smiled at him.

Nico frowned. "I do not." He denied. "I am a perfectly pleasant person, thank you very much."

"Yeah. Uh-huh." Will agreed sarcastically, laughing before shivering. "I really should have brought a warmer jacket.

"Well hopefully this will be over soon enough. I need sleep." Nico grumbled. "Also, I can't miss classes again tomorrow, so if I can't get my stuff-"

"Wait, again? What happened yesterday?"

"I just forgot." Nico lied. "Got caught up in something else." He shrugged it of. Truthfully, he spent all his energy just getting out of bed and make Will breakfast. He couldn't even eat anything himself. He had laid in bed until Will came home again and he forced himself to go make dinner.

It was an hour before the firefighters came and gave the building the 'all clear'. Just as Nico had suspected, there was no fire and the alarm was just triggered by some dumbass. They waited until most of the masses had made their way into the building before attempting to fight their way through the crowd to get to their own flat, completely exhausted.

Will went to the kitchen to put Nyx back in her bed while Nico headed straight for his room, flopping on the bed and shutting his eyes. It was no use though, as the same nightmare woke him up ten minutes after he had fallen asleep.

Nico changed his shirt, as his last one was soaked through with sweat, and he stared out his window for several minutes, staring at the lights and traffic, distracting his brain from dwelling on the images.

He went into the living room and turned on the telly, but there wasn't anything good on. That was how Will found him in the morning, watching infomercials while only half awake.

Will left for his run, and Nico went to get started on breakfast, but he seemed to be unable to fully open his eyes or get off the couch, sleep lulling him in. When He finally woke up again and got off the couch, Will was in the kitchen.

Flatmates - Solangelo AUWhere stories live. Discover now