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(Enjoy this cute Solangelo pic)


"Nico wake up, wake up, wake up!" Will burst into the room, and jumped on his bed.

"Will it is seven in the freaking morning. Go back to bed before I murder you." Nico groaned and pulled the covers over his head, trying to shove Will off.

"Well aren't you a little ray of pitch black this morning?" Will laughed, but didn't leave Nico alone. "Get your lazy butt out of bed."

"Please tell me there is coffee? I am not setting foot outside this bed with coffee." Nico yawned.

Will nodded eagerly. "And eggnog, and cookies, and muffins."

"Please tell me you didn't bake anything. It's Christmas, we don't need the house burned down." Nico was genuinely concerned for the well being of the kitchen. Whenever Will tried anything it always ended in disaster.

He laughed. "Nah, I was up at six, I found a bakery that was open and picked some up. Kitchen is unharmed and house is still standing." Will left and returned with a mug of coffee, handing it to Nico.

Nico inhaled the scent, feeling more awake already. "Must be Christmas if I'm getting my coffee in bed." They both laughed.

"I'm only doing it so that you will get up so we can open presents." Will tugged on his arm and Nico got out of bed and put on the hoodie he borrowed from Will. He wasn't looking forward to giving it back, as it was amazingly comfortable and warm. He would wear it every day of his life if he could. It no longer smelled like the other boy, but he wasn't going to give it back.

On the counter were two muffins, and they were still warm. Will broke a piece of the top of his and moaned at the taste. "This is the best thing I have ever tasted. And I grew up with a mom who owned a bakery. That chic just earned herself a loyal customer for life."

"Isn't that cheating on your own café?" Nico asked, biting into his own muffing, smiling contently.

"The food at The Moose is absolute crap. But we have good drinks, so it balances out. If you worked there, it could be amazing."

"I already have a job, and I'll go back to work there second term. You remember the art store I dragged you to that one time?" Nico questioned.

"The one that looked like a front for the mafia? Yeah, kind of hard to forget it." Nico rolled his eyes at Will's over exaggeration.

"It's not. It's a tattoo parlour that sells art supplies on the side. An lady I used to live with owns it."

"You do tattoos?" Will asked in amazement. "Would you do one on me? Would I get a discount?"

"They aren't that hard. It's just drawing but with needles and you can't erase what you have done." Nico shrugged. I designed the one I have, but I had the owner do it."

"You drew your tattoo?" Will was amazed. He knew Nico was talented, but he thought it was designed by a professional or something, it was so well done.

The atmosphere in the kitchen was warm, and full of conversation, even long after the muffins were devoured. "What time is Hazel coming over?" Will asked, checking his watch.

"She and Frank are doing Christmas together in the morning, she'll be around just after lunch." Nico poured himself another mug of coffee and they moved to the living room to watch a movie.

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