Chapter 5

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"Are you ready?" Linda asked from the doorway.
"I hope I am". Maia said staring at herself in the mirror.
"Mamma, can you please come here once?"
"Sure lovey!"
As soon as Linda neared her, she said in a low tone,
"Have you gone mad mamma. Just, just look at this dress. Its way too exposing. I hate it. And where is the dress I chose for tonight? "
Maia was feeling awful in her new dress. It was a red silk dress with a low neckline (not too low). The bodice hugged her thighs and revealed her curves. It was really a seducing one. But a mother, even in the worst situations will not let her gem go unprotected.
"Maia, you look perfect in this one. The one you chose is not fit for a ball. It is such a disgusting one. "
The one Maia chose was of plain white with a high neckline and had some pink flowers here and there. I support our dearest Queen because the dress was not fit for ball. I am sure that Maia had done this purposefully so that George will reject her. And even Maia hated the dress she chose. But Linda had been really careful. And the dress was not as vulgar as Maia felt.

She wore a diamond necklace which was simple yet exquisite. Her blonde hair was tied into a loose bun allowing some to hang loose. Her hairs were adorned with some pearls to match her sparkling pearl earrings which according to our beautiful Lady Lioness looked foolish. Her eyes were darkened with kohl and she was forced to weara tiara which as my readers will see later on, was casted off. I will blame the bad luck of the tiara as it couldn't match our matchless goddess.

Linda soon went out of the room as John and Laurie came in.
"Hey Lady, I must admit that you look really priceless today. If I weren't your brother, I would have taken you away today itself." John said placing a kiss on Maia's reddening cheeks. He saw his sister blush at this compliment.

"John, just stop this nonsense and escort her down. Fast. King George has arrived. "
"Oh yes. Maia, stop admiring yourself and get up."

Maia got up with a frown and with the two young gentlemen trailing behind, she left the room. But in the corridor, she was interrupted by Laurie
"Dear, what is that horrible thing you are wearing on your head. It really looks senseless. "

Maia searched her hairs and understood that it was the tiara that made Laurie exclaim. Laughing,  she took it off and kept in on the bed.

As she turned to her brothers she asked,
"John, Laurie,  where is Jason and Fred?"
"They haven't arrived yet. But believe me, they will be here in half an hour."
"Hmmm. So let's go then!"

The trio marched downstairs with the two young Prince's leading the way. Maia felt miserable. Her smile soon changed into a sad grin.

It really hurts my soul that this Lady, who deserved something better is being gifted the worse. She murmured to herself,
"I am no better than a sacrificial goat. Oh Lord! Please save me."

The matter is that,  a deed done without the presence of the heart will bring dooms and downfalls.

And Maia, as you all know,  the quick, restless, and straightforward Princess will invite dangers upon a whole kingdom. But for now, let the untamed and wild horse choose its way on its own. Let it for now play the game it wants. For, the Lord up will take care of His beloved Daughter. For, heavy rains, can never destroy the beauty of a rose. And my Tigress will learn new lessons from the big battles awaiting her hungry soul.

May my good Lord protect Her!


Srry guys, it was really short.
I will try to make it better nxt time.
Well the next chapter is an important milestone of my story.
Lets hope for the! !:) best

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