~ Chapter 13 ~

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"What the hell was that?" Was the first question that popped out of my mouth as soon as the pain went away, I slowly sat up and leaned against Sam for support.

"That is what happens when you have accepted your imprint and already have romantic feeling for them" Sam explained, looking at me sternly. My breath caught in my throat.... No this could not be happening, I have not accepted anything.

"But I haven't accepted him, or even really talk" I snapped, my face crunched up in disgust "Let alone have feeling for him"

"Maybe you just don't realize it yet" Paul muttered, my head snapped in his direction, he raised his hands in surrender at my glare.

"NO" I growled deadly "I have not"

"Calm down Taylor" Sam ordered, a shiver ran down my spine as the order took effect "This is going to happen"

"But I don't want it to" I whined like a child "Like I said before"

"I know" Sam breathed out, and looked ahead in thought "Oh dear" He whispered, but with our werewolf hearing we all picked it up.

"What Sam?" Paul demanded.

"If that kiss cause Taylor" He paused a moment, looking into my eyes "Do you think it effected her imprint" My breath caught in my throat.... Emmett, without any warning, I launched off the couch and to the door.

"Taylor!!!" The pack shouted, I paused at the door to see Embry looking at me sadly. I glared angrily at him and got into his face.

"If by any chance that kiss effected my imprint as it did me" I sneered "Your going to get it" I snapped my teeth at him, in a threatening manner before jumping off the porch and phasing.

"Should we go after her?" Paul asked.

"No, leave her be" Sam replied "We will find out who he is soon"

"For someone who says there not accepting the imprint" Jared spoke up "She's doing a shit job at showing it"

"She really does care for him" Embry whimpered.

I shook my fur, before taking off. I didn't want to listen to them anymore, I am NOT falling for him, I do NOT want him.

But why am I running to him? I stopped in my step as I reached the treaty line, damn I forgot about the treaty, I can't check on him. A whine escaped my mouth, and I flopped on my belly looking over the line for any hint of my imprint.

My ears twitched at the sound of a branch snapping, I raise my head and growled at the smell of a leech but immediately stopped as the sent turned out to be Edward.

I raised to my feet and tilted my head "Emmett" Was the first thing I spoke to him "Is he okay?"

"He is fine Taylor" I nod my head but still my wolf wouldn't calm down, I heard a sigh from Edward "I will go get him shall I"

My eyes lit up and a smile appeared "Yes please" Edward chuckled, as I wagged my tail in excitement.

"Wow" Edward muttered "A wolf saying please and wags her tail" He shook his head as I shot him a look "Emmett must mean a lot to you" He says before speeding off back to the house for my imprint.

I sat on the ground and dug my claws in the ground, I search my mind for my pack brothers and sister but none were phased at this moment which was good.

Moment's later Edward appeared with him, I stood up and wagged my tail once again, I growled in annoyance, that thing has a mind of it own. I heard Edward chuckle at my thought, whiles Emmett looked between us in confusion "I'm sure it does Taylor" He walks closer to the line and throws some clothes over "These are Emmett's go change and talk" He gave me me a look, I bowed my head and trot over to the bushes "She will be back in a moment Emmett, good luck"

"Thanks mate" I knew Edward had left, I phased back and pulled on a long T shirt and a pair of short, I shivered in delight at the smell of honey covering them, I think I'll keep it.... Shit! I can't Paul will be able to smell vampire.

Note to self.... Have a shower when I get home.

I rushed out of the bushes and straight to my imprint pulling him into a hug "I'm glad your okay" I whispered in his ear, Emmett tensed under my touch, making me freeze. Did I just really throw myself at him? Oh dear.

I slowly pulled back and stared at him in horror; Emmett on the other hand, looked at me with love and lust, his hands clenched by his side "Sorry" I whispered looking down.

I felt Emmett's hand on my chin, my head raised and my eyes locked onto his. My heart pounded in my chest, he was perfect.... At this very moment I didn't want to fight the imprint, I wanted this to happen. The only thing that was stopping me was the reaction of my pack.

But right now that didn't matter, all that mattered was that my imprint was safe and sound in front of me "Why was I in pain?" I whimpered and flinched away from my imprint... He needs to know.

"Embry kissed me" I admitted, not expecting a reaction but got the total opposite, his eyes darkened as he glared and he gave out a snarl.

"Why did it effect me?" He gritted out, trying to stay in control, I sighed and placed my hand on his cheek, gently stroking him with my thumb. This calmed him down, he stared at me with his soft eyes "Why?" He pleaded.

"Why what? Why did Embry kiss me or why did it effect you?" I rambled on, not wanting to answer him. How do I tell him he was the mate of a werewolf?

Emmett rolled his eyes but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth "I think you know which one" He says, raising his hand to cover over mine.

I nod and took a deep breath and blurted out my secret "Your my Imprint"

An Unlikey Imprint (Emmett Cullen LS)Where stories live. Discover now