~ Chapter 36 ~

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We sat in silence for half a hour, just holding each other. I let out a sigh and tried to move only for Emmett to tighten his grip on me "I don't want to let you go" He mumbled as he buries his face into my hair; this action caused me to shiver.

"I don't either" I muttered back, turning my head to gaze at him "But I told my brother we will be at Sam's" I look to the clock on the wall "And it's almost time for dinner there"

Emmett let out a chuckle "You wolves and your food"

"It's my one true love" Emmett shot me a look, a giggle left my mouth "I'm only telling you the truth" Emmett's eyes narrowed at me, a wicked look crosses his face making me gulp. . . . He was up to something, I went to open my mouth to speak but was attacked by his hands on my stomach. I let out a suprise squeal at his actions; we both laughed as he tickled me, I riggled trying to escape but I was having no such luck.

"Now dear, who is your true love again" Emmett taunted me with a wicked grin, his hands pause above my stomach giving me time to breath "Well. . . ." Emmett's hands lowered till they were placed on my stomach. Another shiver shot through my body, however this one was different. . . . This one was lustful.

"I.. Um" I stuttered out, Emmett chuckles at me, his face came closer to mine, my mind went into overdrive with lustful thoughts. . . . I felt my wolf wanting to come out and claim her mate "Oh god" I whisper, I needed to this to stop before it got too far. It's not that I didn't want him because I did, it just wasn't the right time for that; we also haven't been together that long. I wanted it to be special and not rushed, this wasn't a one night stand. . . . No, this was my imprint.

My life partner.

"Okay" I groaned out, my face felt flustered "Your my true love" I admitted, earning a wide grin from my imprint "However, food is just below you" I laughed as his smile fell a little, I gentle pushed him back and jumped of the couch. I placed a kiss on his cheek and headed for the stairs "I'll be right back" I called out to him and head to the bathroom.

I let out a sigh of relief as I locked the door, I look at my self in the mirror. How could Emmett think I'm beautiful? I looked a right mess. My cheeks were bright red as where my eyes from all the crying I did. I pulled my hair back, turned on the cold water to wash my face. Once dried I look in the mirror to see my red eyes gone, letting out a breath I decided it was time for Emmett to meet the pack.

"Hey you alright" My head snap up at the sound of Emmett's voice, I nod my head and walk over to him. He smiles down at me and gave me a quick peck.

"You ready to meet everyone?" I asked him, I was a little concerned at how they where going to react in human form but I knew he couldn't be harmed. It also helped that the worst wolf already approved, I think my main problem would be Embry but he hadn't been around alot since the reveal. He was sulking at home according to Jacob.

"I can't wait" He beamed at me, he took my hand in his then opens the door for me "I'm excited to talk to your brother again and Seth seems like a cheeky lad" I smile as we left the house and walked down the road to Sam's "I bet that pup is a right trouble maker"

"He has his moments" I tell him "Him and my cousin Collin are awful together" I sigh sadly at the thought off Collin; I missed that kid, I was alway a mother figure to him as his own mother hardly cared; she was always working and his dad ran off with a women way younger them him. . . . I swear there is only a few happy families in this tribe.

"Who is Collin?" Emmett asks.

"He's my cousin" I tell him "He's 14, I have taken care of him for a while his mother works all the time and his dad ran off" I turn my head to the forest, my attention is taken by the shape of a wolf. I narrowed my eyes to see grey/silver fur; Embry. I shook my head and turned my attention back to Emmett "I haven't seen him since I shifted"

An Unlikey Imprint (Emmett Cullen LS)Where stories live. Discover now