~ Chapter 26 ~

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Emmett lead me through the woods and to the house, my nose wrinkled as the scent of vampire reached me. I let out a low growl gaining my imprints attention, Emmett looks at me and lets out a sigh "Stay here" He says rubbing my head with his head "I'll be right back with a shirt for us both" I whimpered, I loved looking at his muscly body.

I watch my imprint walk away, I heard the sound of footsteps heading towards me and the lingering smell of vampire. I slowly moved backward into the bushes to hide myself from who ever was coming close; just as I was covered the annoying voice of Bella reached my ears "Eddy" She cooed rubbing his arm "Why did Emmett just come in shirtless?" I growled at the fact that Bella fucking Swan was looking at my imprint.

I knew Emmett didn't do it on purpose, he was just helping me "I don't know Bella" I snickered and lifted my head a little and look at the couple. Edwards eyes contacted with mine, he shook his head and let out a little chuckle "Maybe he was doing some training" He sent me a wink over Bella's shoulders, making me snort.

I flinched, my little snort was a little loud; I quickly ducked my head as Bella looks over in my direction "What was that?" I silently cured myself and that damn mind reader.

"Probably an animal" Edward spoke regaining his lovers attention. . . . Yeah, an animal. A wolf that isn't suppose to be on this side of the forest.

Oh shit, I didn't get permission to be here "It's okay, your family now" I heard the faint voice of Edward reassure me.

I shot him a thank you and looked down to the ground and watched as the insects crawl around without a care in the world; it's alright for some. My attention snapped up the smell of my imprint coming back 'Edward you need to go' I sent him; earning a nod in reply.

"Let's go to the meadow Bella" He suggested.

"Okay" She says and stands up taking Edwards hand "Oh" She starts looking to the ground "When can I go see Jakey again"

I heard Edward sigh, as I rolled my eyes "I don't think that is a good idea" Edward tell her, I watched as they both stopped and Bella pull her hand away from his.

"Why not?" She pouted like a child.

"There seems to be a lot of drama going on in La Push and I don't want you to get hurt" I felt my heart brake for him, he really did want her safe.

"The pack will not hurt me" I rolled my eyes at her comment. Does she not remember who was in the pack; my brother Paul was by far the worst of us all with his anger. And with me being involved with the drama his temper will be ten times worst. . . . He would do anything to help his little sister.

"They do not have a choice most of the time Bella" Edward shot back, making her huff in annoyance at not getting her own way "Their wolves are controlled by anger and from what I have heard" He paused a moment looking in my direction "The Lahote twins have the worst tempers of the pack"

"Paul wouldn't hurt me" She sweetly says "And neither would Taylor" She spat my name, I turn my head to the side confuse. Does Miss freaking Bella Swan not like me? "Jake would keep me safe from them if he had too"

I snorted again. . . . Come Jake is hardly up to fighting speed as me and Paul are. Bella looks back over in my direction, she looks back to Edward and moves away from him and over into my direction. . . . Oh shit.

In that moment Emmett decided to show himself with a white shirt "Hey Tayl-" He paused in step, and his eyes widen in shock.

"Taylor?" Bella says coming closer to the bush, her eyes widen in shock for a moment at the sight of me, before a sly smile worked it's way upon her lips. She looks between me and Emmett "Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

Oh I'm defiantly in shit now.

An Unlikey Imprint (Emmett Cullen LS)Where stories live. Discover now