Alpha Bear wants me to do... what?

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> -----------------------PRINCESS AND THE LITTLE ONES-----------------------<


Part 1

Alpha Bear wants me to do... what?

I am walking through the eerie garden to Alpha Bear’s house, something I do very often if I should be honest. I’ve always been one of his favourite members in the pack. It’s quite funny that his name is Bear when he is a wolf, but don’t tease him about it, he’s very proud of his name.

I knock on the door and step into his office. Alpha bear is smiling happily at my entrance and the age suits him well. He is one hundred and twenty-four years old; werewolves usually live up to they are one hundred and forty years old. I don’t have much to compete with my mere seventeen years in life.

“You called for me, master,” I say respectfully and he waves for me to sit down next to his desk. No, not the black leather chair used for visitors, he means the comfortable sofa by the wall and I quickly take a seat on it.

“Princess,” he says cheerfully. “I am glad your mother gave you permission to come.”

I flinch at the use of my first name. Who in their right mind would want to be named Princess? My parents couldn’t decide what to name me when I was born and my mother ordered my father to choose. He just picked the first thing that came into his mind and that, ladies and gentlemen, was Princess.

“She wouldn’t go against Alpha orders.” I tell him.

“Wouldn’t she?” he muses with a raised eye brow and I look down at the clean wooden floor.

“It’s just convenient for her that I will be close enough to pick up The Little Ones on my way home,” I mutter.

“Yes, yes, tell me how are Mary, Kate and Tom doing? I never met so inspiring children before.”

Only Alpha Bear would call the wild five year old triplets inspiring. Not even my tough mother can take them and I am the only one who can handle them. Well, not by choice of course, I rather use my time for what teenagers usually want to do instead of being attacked by them.

“They are as lovely as always,” I answer him joyfully without a hint of sarcasm.

“How are your parents Starley and Mitchell?”

“Mother and father are both doing well,” I smile to him. My parents are still so madly in love that I forget they are my parents sometimes. It’s quite cute to watch them when they have their moments.

“How are you doing, my precious Princess?”

I dare to meet his eyes again; I am not scared of talking about myself. “I am doing wonderful, Alpha Bear. I am graduating in two weeks and there is not much I can do to change my grades at this moment. I am confident that I will be satisfied with the results.”

He claps his hands and his eyes are sparkling. “Are you not worried that Starley is grading most of your grades?”

“No, mother is very strict towards me because she knows I can do better. You didn‘t send me to come here to talk about my grades now, did you?”

He never loses his smile and he walks up to the window and looks out over his garden. “Princess, our pack, the Ninjan pack is the best educated pack in the whole world. We are the most legendary and admired pack despite our small numbers. We provide the best warriors, detectives, spies and bodyguards in the whole world.”

“Yes, Alpha Bear,” I say respectfully. “That is what I’ve been trained to do since I was born.”

“Especially when your mother is the head master teacher and your father is one of the best detectives in the whole world,” Alpha Bear finishes for me with a small kind laugh. I honestly don’t know why he is so cheerful, but he always was like that. Nothing can surprise him or destroy his good mood. That is one of the reasons everyone is looking up to him.

“Not to brag,” I smile back.

“That is why the Wolf Spirits gave you the triplets, to keep you all down to earth. Not that it is needed for you and your father’s case. Simply your mother needs something she can’t control.”

“Forgive me Alpha, but you make her sound horrible. You do know that she loves The Little Ones more than anything?”

“That is why she calls you Princess and they The Little Ones. I don’t think I ever heard her call them by their names.”

Honestly I haven’t either. When they were born our parents once again couldn’t find any names and father said it was her turn to choose. She said “The Little Ones” and settled for that. I had to give them their names in the end and I chose as normal names as possible.

“Then please count me in to The Little Ones. You are drifting off topic, what did you call me over for?”

“Princess, you are a very clever girl and I have known you for most of your life and guided you through it. You are graduating soon and you will come up to a point where you are to decide what you want to do with your life. It hurts me that you might choose a life outside this pack so I’ve come to the conclusion to make you my successor.”

I look at him in utter shock. He asked me to do what? “Alpha Bear,” I say shakily. “I don’t know what to say.” The honor of his proposal is too much for me to grip.

“Say yes, Princess, otherwise your mom will whip you senseless.”

“Yes,” I say without hesitation. “I accept the offer to become the future Alpha of the Ninjan pack.”

I feel a power trickle through me as the Alpha power is laid on my shoulders. I didn’t expect it to work immediately. I always felt strong but I now know that an Alpha is much stronger. My senses are blending in with the Alpha power, but I know it will take time before I can feel the difference.

The room is spinning slightly. I never thought this would happen, I hoped for a life as a royal guard at most but nothing like this. How can I be an Alpha? He never even gave me any hints about his decision before.

“Excellent!” Alpha Bear exclaims. “There is a trial that I need to ask you to do. A normal wolf still has to go one more year in high school before they graduate. I want you to do that and learn what a normal pack is like. A good Alpha knows what life outside their pack looks like.”

“Are you asking me to leave the pack?” I whisper outraged over the order, knowing I can’t disobey him.

“Only for a year, don’t worry about The Little Ones, they will survive.”

“I am not worried about them, I worry about mother.”

“She will understand your sacrifice.”

I’m sure she will, but she can still drive me crazy over the phone. He waves at me dismissively, and I leave his office full of thoughts. There is no point to argue with the Alpha, I need to leave and how long can a year possibly be?

Princess and The Little OnesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin