Reckless Behaviour

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Part 14

Reckless Behaviour

I smash my way into Alpha Bear’s house. I had already taken a quick detour to pick up one of my black uniforms from my room and it feels wonderful to wear my old clothes again. No offence, but I can’t understand how anyone would want to wear clothes just for the looks.

My master doesn’t look the tiniest bit surprised at my late night visit. He’s sitting in his armchair, still awake as the night owl he is. The living room is only lit with candles and pictures of his relatives are placed around the room. His wife died when they were young and he never got any children.

“Princess,” he greets. “Would you like a piece of smudgy chocolate cake? Claire made it for me.”

I’m still panting after my long run that took roughly five hours. I ran next to the rail to track my way back. It‘s a journey I hope I‘ll never make ever again.

“I didn’t come here for the cake,” I start. “But since you offer I’ll accept some.”

“Please help yourself,” he says smiling and pointing at the tray where an extra plate is waiting for me. “I love having guests over.”

There’s a tea kettle and one of his mother’s old thin porcelain cups placed on a tray. I pour myself a cup after cutting out a piece from the cake. The run made me hungry and I gulp it down quickly. The taste doesn’t go me by, the cake is completely delicious.

“Nothing is more refreshing than a youth’s appetite,” he muses. His own plate is only half eaten. “Why don’t you address your matter for coming here?”

“I’ve been caught in a web, master. You haven’t been clear in your mission for me and I ask for clear instructions. I am quite disappointed with you for tricking me in such manners.”

“Ah,” he says, not feeling guilty at all. “Tell me dear, what did you find out?”

I tell him everything and the words flows out from my mouth. He can read the confusion, anger and pride in my voice. “Master, is there anything else I’ve missed?” I ask at the end of my exposition.

“It only took you mere four days to figure all this out,” Alpha Bear claims proudly. “I admire your skills of cracking Alpha Denwood that fast. He‘s got a strong mind.”

I tilt my head to the side and look him into his eyes. “Why did he crack that quickly? An alpha should have resistance to hold out longer.”

“Yes, indeed, dear Princess. But you are no ordinary wolf. You don’t understand how menacing you can be, even your mother is afraid of you.”

I feel stunned at his comment. “My mother can’t be afraid of me, master,” I deny shaking my head. “She’s the person I respect most in the whole world.”

My mother is a strong willed, cold-headed woman and I strive to be like her. Excellent and perfect in her profession.

“What about your mate, Princess. He rejects you and you are determined to win him over because he is your mate. You made it into a game instead of letting nature do it’s work.”

“What do you mean?” I add confused. “Should I not insist on him as my mate?”

“You should fall in love with him and him with you. First then will you be true mates. Princess, you know so well about this but your pride gets in the way. You should learn to be patient. Stop focusing on him and add your energy on your mission.”

I know in my heart that Alpha Bear is right. I just never learned how to handle being rejected. I should focus on building good friendships that will be to my advantage in the future.

Princess and The Little OnesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя