You deserve what you get

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Part 24

You deserve what you get

It feels different to be an Alpha. The heightened awareness is making all my senses run more smoothly. Sight is one of them and Vincent is so handsome in the morning sunlight. I was blessed with a perfect looking mate. It doesn’t matter that I only think that because he is my mate.

I grab his hand with a smile and try not to get annoyed by his arrogant attitude. The worst part is that he doesn’t seem to know that he has an attitude. I groan on the inside when I think of it. I have an impossible mate. Whoever said love is easy needs a smack on their head.

“I guess you never were my student,” he says outside Alpha Denwood’s front door.

“I was,” I answer him gently. “I just didn’t need to education you were teaching. Ninjan doesn’t teach all subjects, but Werewolf Knowledge was an important one.”

“Highest grade and you want to become a teacher.”

“Yes, I want to teach the same classes as my mother.”

“Starley Ray is legendary,” Vincent says with respect.

“She’s just my mother. How can I look at her another way? My parents might be famous for their skills, but I know all their flaws. I could never call them legends.”

“You’ll be a mother too one day,” he says so confidently it wakes up a million of butterflies in my stomach. “I hope our children will treat you the same as you do to your parents. I’m not sure where I will fit into that picture.”

“You will be an amazing father,” I ensure him and open the door to the house. “Isn’t that enough?”

None of us can know if we are good parents. We just need to wait and see. I hope our children will look like Vincent. Nothing could fill me with more pride than having children with him.

I lead the way through the house to the office and Jack waves us in. He’s on phone but he quickly ends the call with a serious expression. I heard my father on the other line, but I didn’t catch what their conversation was about. I would have known if Vincent hadn’t distracted me!

“Welcome Alpha Ray, Vincent,” he says a bit stressed. “We should start talking about you Vincent, so you can go to school in time for your classes.”

“Thank you Alpha Denwood. I’m very interested to hear what he has to say too,” I add respectfully.

“Say about what?” Vincent wonders a bit lost where the whole conversation is going.

“Son, did you still not get your thoughts together?” Jack says amusingly. “You are mate to an Alpha, but you live and work in my pack.”

A light slowly shines up in his eyes when he understands the meaning of it. “Are you kicking me out?”

“That’s a harsh way to call it. Do you really want to stay here when your mate is somewhere else?” Jack raises a questioning brow.

“I don’t know,” Vincent answers with a frown. “I don’t think I thought that far yet.”

He looks at me with a confused glare and I glare back at him.

“I need you to sort out the Northwall Pack, Vincent. Will you be there for me?” I ask him so it sounds like an offer when it in fact isn’t.

He breaths in at my request and answers quickly. “Where else could I be?”

“I think that’s settled then,” Jack interrupts us. “It’s sad to see you leave, but you will come back and visit us often, right?”

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