The Master of the situation

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Part 20

The Master of the situation

We reach the school and everyone waves hello to me. Carlie is ignored as always. It’s their loss if they can’t see how cool she is! They care more about status. Like who they are friends with and what they are wearing. The cleaner, the better.

The girls are glaring at Carlie’s forest green school bag with disgusted faces. No wonder Gretel insisted on choosing my clothes in the mall. She wanted me to fit in so I don’t bring shame to her pack. I wonder if Jack even realize how bad his female part of the pack is doing under his wife’s control. All the men seem to function normally.

I don’t bother to learn who everyone in school is. It’s enough to just calculate how dangerous they are. Their rates are ridiculously low. A sheep could do more harm than them. I force myself to listen in on their conversations even if they are boring.

The main topic is about mates, of course. My name pops up here and then. They worry that Vincent and I won’t end up together. It is completely his fault too. It’s lovely how they trust a stranger that fast just because she is… err, cute. Lucky for them I’m not here to tear their hearts out. They are under my protection whether they like it or not.

I feel so powerful. It’s like Vincent charged me up to my fullest strength. I won’t peak that until I turn twenty-five though. My mother’s work colleague mentioned once that I am a lot stronger than the average wolves. Even Alpha Bear made a comment last time I paid him a visit.

I wish I could undo that visit. It made my reliability drop. I was brought here to protect another pack and I still doubt myself! I am seventeen and I am not a virgin anymore.

My wolf purrs when she feels the smell of our mate. He’s waiting for me in an empty classroom.

“Go ahead to class,” I tell Carlie. “I need to see Vincent in private.”

“Sure,” she answers suspiciously. “You’ll have to tell me everything later!”

“I will,” I state honestly and head towards the room Vincent is hiding in.

Carlie’s eyes had shown me that she knew something. That makes me wonder if she can smell what we did, despite the shower. Maybe she has a sixth sense for these kind of things. I don’t want to think of Jason telling her exactly what I smelt like when I got back from my nightly adventure. She has a high anger rate for secrets. It makes me regret that I didn’t tell her when we were walking to school.

I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to defend myself when she attacks me. I just wish I was prepared more for verbal attacks, but my pack prefers to focus on the physical ones.

I walk quietly through the hall and enter the room where Vincent is hiding in. I close the door and lock it with a small click. He gives me a surprised look.

“I didn’t hear you,” he starts saying.

“Just as you didn’t hear me leave this morning,” I answer him confidently.

“I don’t like that quality about you,” he frowns angrily.

“Then there’s a lot you won’t like about me,” I state.

I wet my lips as I let my eyes roam over his body. His white shirt does little to cover the muscled skin underneath it. I remember so well how it feels to let my hands roam all over his naked torso. I have to hold back a moan of need. Dirty thoughts of him and me on the teachers desk fills my mind and I give him a grin.

Princess and The Little OnesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon