Chapter 5

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I groaned at the sound of someone banging rather harshly on the door. It's too early in the morning for this. I huffed and finally opening my eyes, before shutting them tightly again as the sun shined into them. Who the hell opened the curtains? Once I finally opened my eyes once more, I was met with a very handsome shirtless man. I observed him as he sat up. I sighed happily watching my gorgeous mate.

"Who is it?" he growled huskily. Goodness his morning voice was perfect. It was enough to make me melt. The door creaked open and a redheaded man popped his head through the crack of the door. "So, Theo you want to go ahead and introduce me to your mate?" The man chuckled as he stepped into the room and softly closed the door behind him.

Theo lightly grunted before trowing his pillow at the redhead. "What was that for?" He laughed stepping away from him and turning his attention towards me. "I'm Oliver Sweetsheen, the king's beta. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." He bowed. "Ziara." I muttered shyly.

Theo got up and stretched. "Okay you can go now." He grumbled. "Sir you have a meeting to attend. In about forty-five minutes so let's put a fire under it, yeah?" Theo then nodded his head and waved the man now known as Oliver away. Oliver left with a bow, and a soft shut of the door.

"So, what kind of meeting are you going too?" I asked being the nosy person that I am. Kicking my feet off my bed and standing up. "It's a meeting to discuss pack issues."

He finally stood up and found his way to me. He lifted my chin so my lips could meet his, his lips fitting mine perfectly. Sparks ignited all throughout my body it was just perfect. It was a sweet, soft and short kiss, a fantastic first kiss. "Goddess I'm so happy I was your first kiss." He spoke playfully then giving me another peck on the lips.

"Alright I should probably go take a shower and take care of this." He spoke pointing to his now obvious erection. My face immediately flushing as I looked away. I heard him chuckling softly. "There is nothing to be shy about my love." I faced him once more looking into those perfect violet eyes. "You're so innocent." He spoke softly brushing a curl out of my face. "I'll just be in the bathroom if you need me." He said pecking me on the forehead. "The towels are in the very left drawer, by the way." I shouted towards him. He nodded and shut the door behind him.

I plopped on my bed, and sighed. Last night was amazing, he was a complete gentleman. He was so very polite, and just kind. But he could do so much better than me. I don't understand why he's with someone like me. I'm not a werewolf I'm just a fat human. He deserves a gorgeous, strong, and in shape werewolf.

A tear rolled down my face at thought of him with someone else. I quickly wiped it away, I can't cry over something like this. It just shows weakness. Plus, I know he wouldn't do that to me, right? I mean we were made for each other. Gosh I need to stop being so negative towards myself. It just brings me down when I could be out there eating food or just doing something productive with myself, instead of sitting here having a little pity party for myself.

"Love, are you okay?" I whipped my head towards my mate, gosh he was gorgeous. His muscles on display, the water droplets dripping down from his hair, rolling down his perfectly sculpted chest. How did I get so lucky? I sniffled a little, "Yeah I'm fine, sorry." I sighed sitting back up again. "Don't you ever apologize; do you understand me?" He spoke sternly stepping in-between my legs. I nodded. "Good."

"Go get dressed." He said dropping his towel, which made me immediately turn my cheek the other way. "T-tell me when it's safe." I spoke flustered, he knows exactly what he's doing. "It's safe." He chuckled. "So why do I have to get dressed?" I groaned eyeing him suspiciously.

"Since you're my queen, you must join me, especially at this meeting it's very important for Lunas to attend. This will also help you get a bit more familiar with being a queen." He said pulling on a t-shirt that he grabbed the night before.

"What do I have to do?" I asked getting up and digging through my luggage. Pulling out a black tank top, an army green cardigan, a pair of ripped washed out jeans, along with some black vans. "You won't really have to do anything at this one. Not until you're trained." I nodded understanding.

"How much time do we have?" I questioned. "About 25 minutes, why?" He eyed me. "Oh, I just wanted to know If I'd have time to do my makeup." I said stepping into the bathroom.

After I threw on my foundation, concealer, mascara, powder, and lipstick along with my clothes I was ready to go with five minutes to spare. I opened the door and folded my dirty clothes before putting them in a bag. I quickly threw my chocolate curls up into a messy bun, and I was ready to go. Theo looked me up and down. "You're so gorgeous, but I'm going to have kill any man that looks at those." He huffed gesturing to my chest as he stood up.

"Oh, please like any man is going to look at me." I laughed. "I know for a fact that men will look at you and I hate it." He growled pulling me into his chest. He rubbed soft circles into my back.

"Come on we have a meeting to attend." I pulled away immediately feeling cold. He groaned "Can we just cancel it?" He chuckled opening the door for me. "I don't know you tell me your majesty." I spoke playfully sticking my tongue out at him. He chuckled at my childish behavior. "God what am I going to do with you?"

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