Chapted 15

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"So how old are you?" I asked as I laid down another match of cards. This was all I've been doing for the past week, playing goldfish with Axe.

"48." He spoke gruffly. I nodded "Do you have any queens?" I giggled knowing very well that he had some. "Yeah I got one right here." He pointed at me as he threw his head back laughing.

I laughed right along with him. "You should laugh more often." I commented taking the three queens from his hand, laying them down. He immediately stiffened.

"I don't really laugh any more." He stated. Me being the curious cat that I was I questioned him. "Why not?" I set my cards down. I didn't know a whole lot about Axe at the time, all I knew was that he stood there, and looked miserable.

"My mate she d-died in my arms." He chocked out as he threw his cards on the table. "Her name was Jodie, Jodie Pratchy. She was a very stubborn woman, she knew what she wanted and didn't let anything get in her way." He lightly smiled at the mermory. "One night, Hayden and his followers attacked the castle. I told her to stay in the safety bunker with the children and the injured. I couldn't stand the thought of her getting hurt out on the battle field. But her being the stubborn woman that she was, she left the bunker and followed me into battle. She wasn't a strong wolf she didn't have any training at all." He sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"She was of course attacked as soon as she stepped out on the field. I immediately felt this stabbing pain in my heart, it was so painful. I could barley move. I knew something was wrong with Jodie. So I pushed through the pain as I ran through the battle field trying to follow her scent. It was quite difficult as there so much blood everywhere." He deeply inhaled.

"When I finally found her it was too late. She was on the brink of death, barley breathing. I fell by her side trying to come up with a plan to save her. But in the back of my mind I knew there was nothing I could do." He bit his lip as a single tear fell down his aged skin.

"She made me promise to stay strong, to find love, to be happy, and to continue on with life." He finished placing his face into his hands.

I sniffled as I swallowed down the tears that threatened to spill. I was truly speechless. "I couldn't imagine." I spoke wiping away a lonely tear.

"Don't cry my Queen. It's in the past. Now my life is dedicated to you." He lightly smiled. I sighed sitting up more.

"What the hell happened here?" Konani asked as he opened the front door. "I don't think it's really any of your concern." I spoke as he set down the grocery bags. He threw his hands up in surrender.

I lightly chuckled. "Who wants veggie soup for dinner?" He playfully cheered as he put away the few groceries he has bought.

"I do." I chuckled as I got up to help him. "Well to bad we're having pizza instead." He grinned mischievously as he went back out to the car. "There's something wrong with that kid." Axe


I groaned as I felt a pair of warm hands attempt to shake me awake. I swatted at the hands. The hands retracted. I sighed lightly as they finally left me alone.

"Ziara." A voice whispered. My eyes immediately shot open. I squealed as I looked up at Theo. "I'm sorry I came so late, we had a bit of delay." I nodded not questioning it further. He leaned down and gave me a passionate kiss.

I grabbed his hand feeling the tingles and immediately relaxing. These last few weeks I've been nothing but tense and paranoid. Along with the affects of not being with Theo for so long.

"Why didn't you tell me you where coming? I would've stayed up had I known." I watched him as he made his way on the bed. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest.

"I wanted it to be a surprise." He chuckled as he looked down at me. He sighed looking away from me. "We haven't made much progress." He admitted. "He's clever I'll give him that but not as clever as me. Everytime we get a trail he changes his location."

I nodded snuggling into him. "But we finally figured out his pattern and we're just going to go from there. Hopefully we'll get him before he even gets within 100 miles from you."

"I missed you." I whispered as a tear fell now my cheek, several others following behind. "I missed you two my love. I haven't been able to sleep right without you by my side."

"My aunt has been worried sick about me." I chuckled. "Ziara?" I hummed in response. "What happened to your parents?" He asked slowly. My breathe was caught in my throat. I closed my eyes as the memories replayed within my mind.

"They're dead." I whispered. "My mom died during childbirth. She bled out." I sighed wiping away a couple tears.

"My dad really loved my mother. When she died he became depressed to the point where he couldn't take care of me. That's when my aunt started stepping in to him out."

I took a deep breath trying to steady myself. "Shortly afterwards he took his own life. He shot himself in the head. Leaving me an orphan." Theo patted away my tears with his thumb.

"But my aunt she stepped up and took care of me. I'm forever grateful for her and my uncle." His eyes held pity. I sighed not wanting his pity. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "It's okay." I tried smiling it off.

"So how long are you staying for?" I attempted to changed the subject. "I leave the day after tomorrow." He groaned. I chuckled placing a kiss on his stubbly chin.

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