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I quickly sat up. My entire body on fire. I whimpered in pain. I sniffled trying to hold in my tears. "Ziara. Are you okay? What's the matter?" Theo spoke as his voice still husky as he just woke up.

It's been almost a month since I came back to life. Everything has gone back to normal. I'm back to living a normal life without the fear of Hayden. Just last week Theo finally finished off Hayden. He burned his remains and threw them into the garbage. Harsh I know but the bastard got what he deserved. Candy however has just been kept a prisoner as we didn't want to kill her off, for Oliver's sake.

I screamed as I felt my wrist snap in half, I watched as my other wrist snapped in half. Tears were now streaming down my face.

Theo rubbed circles on my back. It slightly eased my pain as I felt my arm break. "Ziara just breathe. You're shifting." He muttered his voice strained.

One by one each of the bones in my body broke until I felt my body begin to contort into a new shape. I gasped as I watched claws form in the place of my finger nails. Fur began sprouting out of my skin, I whimpered.

Next thing I knew I was looking down at paws in the place of my once human hands. My pain was no more as soon as I felt my change finish. "It doesn't hurt like this after your first change." Theo smiled at me as he petted my head.

"Mio amore you are absolutely beautiful." He muttered as he faced me. "Do you think you're up to walk outside?"

My wolf nodded, my tailing wagging as I slowly began to stand up. I attempted to make a step only to fall right back down again. I huffed as I noticed the claw marks I put onto the wood flooring as I tried to catch myself.

I yelped in suprise as I felt Theo pick my wolf up and began taking me downstairs. "If I would've known that you were changing sooner I would've brought you outside in the first place."

As we passed by a mirror in the hallway I was able to get a look at myself. Theo noticed this and stopped allowing me to check my wolf out. My wolf was beautiful in my opinion. She had beautiful silver fur, my Amber eyes stood out against the lightness of my fur.

"Beautiful." Theo muttered as he observed me as well. I reached up and gave him a lick on the face. He chuckled kissing the top of my head.

It took some time but I eventually got used to walking in my wolf form. I began lightly jogging around Theo as I waited for him to shift.

I've never really seen his wolf before. There was never really a time in which I needed to see his wolf. I always knew he could shift, obviously, but I was excited to see his wolf.

He chuckled as he began removing his clothes. I watched as his body contorted into a wolf. His wolf was extremely large, towering over my wolf. His jet black fur glistened in the moon light as he shook it out.

His wolf slowly approached me before he rubbed his nuzzle against mine. He continued rubbing against me all the way down the my tail.

I barked right before I took off into a sprint with some new-found confidence. I heard Theo right behind me as I weaved through the thick woods and leaped over roots. He growled playfully at me as he nipped at my hind legs pushing me to go faster.

I panted as I collapsed dramatically next to a stream. I huffed as I watched Theo get a drink. I couldn't run anymore, I was officially pooped out. I whined as I played dead.

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad." I heard Theo tease, his thoughts consuming my brain. I growled at him as I sat up. I watched as he changed back into his human self, he was as naked as ever.

I drooled lightly as I looked him up and down. I looked away as I heard him chuckle. I was caught. If I was in my human form I'd be blushing up a storm.

"How do I change back?" I asked still not looking at him. "Just think about your human self. It's super simple." I nodded and before I knew it I was back to my human self, also bare naked.

I saw Theo's eyes darken as his now dark violet eyes raked up and down my body. "Now who's drooling." I teased as I stood up stretching, feeling my joints pop. He growled as he slapped me on the ass.

"There's a clothing stand nearby. We can grab some clothes to wear there." He explained. I nodded as he began leading the way. I slapped his ass. "Damn Mami." I joked. He glanced back at me before he broke out laughing.

Me and Theo continued going for runs every day until I could barely walk. I've never been much of a runner but I enjoyed it so much more when I was in wolf form. Thanks to that however, I was beginning to lose some weight which I was extremely happy about but Theo just keeps pouting about it, making comments like 'I need to feed you more now' or 'I want you to stay thick' I'd just chuckle and brush his comments off.

"Theo." I wined. He hummed in response as he continued typing away at his computer. "I'm hungry-" I paused. "Hungry for that dick." I yelled. He smirked at me sending me a wink.

I fainted dramatically on to the chair in front of his desk. "Oh my God Theo winked at me. My ovaries are going to explode." I squealed. Axe came barging into Theo's office. "Who's hungry for that dick? Theo?" He joked plopping down on the chair next to me. I chuckled.

Life was good. I was happy. Happy to be alive, happy to have an amazing fiance, yes I did say fiance. I was just happy with everything in my life. Theo was treating me like the spoiled queen he knows I have become.

Oh Theo, the love of my life. The man that turned my world upside down. The man that taught me how to love another unconditionally. I wouldn't trade the world for him. He made me happy. I can't wait to spend the rest of eternity with the man I love, Theodulus Isbrand.

OMG I can't believe it's over. I've been writing this book on and off for the past couple of years over that time my writing style has changed drastically, in a good way of course. I want to thank everyone who stayed by me throughout this whole process. Thank you everyone for reading! Shout out to you, you the real MVP.
Lots of love!

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