Chapter 5 Sleeping Pills and Dreams

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“So you design your own weapons?” Dean asked. He’d keep the first watch then Sam would take the second. She began to talk stumbling over her words. Yawns breaking up words. By the time Dean got to go to sleep she had explained how she had modified her car and the weapons. To say Dean was impressed was an understatement.

“Sam? Where’s Dean?” She asked as Sam took Dean’s seat.

“He’s sleeping.” She seemed to mull over this before staring at Sam her eyes showing signs of the drugs wearing off. She looked tired and worn but more lucid than she had in a few hours, thanks to Sam. Morning came and she could finally go to sleep.

“You should get some rest.” Sam said to her. She shook her head.

“Can’t sleep.” Sam didn’t know if he had missed her sleeping or if she slept with her eyes open or what. Dean walked in and seeing her still up raised an eyebrow in Sam’s direction.

“Alright but you need to stay hydrated.” Sam said getting her another bottle of water. He hadn’t felt the need to drug her again so she had just had lots of water. All he’d had to do was stand by the bathroom door to make sure she didn’t hurt herself and help her to and from her bed. And in all honesty as the drugs got out of her system she took his help less and less.

“Sam she needs nutrients. Get her like a milkshake or something.” Dean faced away from her and gave Sam the look. Time for the cocktail. Making sure he crushed everything up Sam put sugar and other sweet things into the drink letting the alcohol out knowing after she drank this they could give her some to send her off to la-la land if they really needed to.

“Milady, your drink.” Sam grinned giving her a corny bow as he gave her the milkshake. She looked at him suspiciously.

“You drugged it.” Sam sighed a shook his head. Taking it and drinking a little bit himself. He couldn’t even taste the drugs in it. He gave it back to her with a smile keeping the drink in his cheek. Glaring at him she drank some swishing it around in her mouth. Not waiting to see the outcome Sam walked back to the kitchen for breakfast and to spit out the milkshake.

“Hey Dean,” Sam whispered. “She’s about to get knocked out by that. And I mean out.” Dean shook his head at his brother grabbing his cereal bowl and silently padding into the room. Sighing Sam grabbed a banana and scarfed it down before going to the couch for a nap.

“Dean, I’m so tired.” Her eyelids fluttered but she was fighting to stay awake.

“Tyler, it’s best if you get some rest.” She was fighting so hard to stay awake, glancing at him every once in awhile almost as if to make sure he was there.

“I don’t want to sleep.” She mumbled. In that moment she looked like a scared and lost little girl. Dean crawled onto the bed and laid down resting his back on the pillows and the back of the bed.

“Why not Tyler?” He asked as he pulled her towards him. She snuggled against his side and laid her head on his chest as he put an arm around her.

“That’s where he is. The disapproval and that thing.” She shuddered and seemed to come apart at the seems. She buried her face in his chest. He rocked her and smoothed her blond locks soothing her. Soon she was out. Her breathing was even but Dean hadn’t realized she had a death grip on his shirt. Suddenly Sam walked by but came back with a questioning look.

“She didn’t want to sleep.” Dean tried.

“So you jumped in bed with her.” Sam said.

“When you say it like that it sounds bad.” Dean blushed but didn’t move. Neither of them had a chance to say anything more because a bloodcurdling scream filled the room. Dean’s hand flew to cover Tyler’s mouth before she woke their neighbors. Sam rushed over and held her arms just to make sure she couldn’t hurt them. “Sam we have to wake her up.” Sam knew about nightmares. He had them when he was awake sometimes.

“Tyler, come on wake up Tyler.” Sam didn’t yell but he did put a hand on hers and squeeze it lightly. She sat up breathing heavy but she still wasn’t awake. She stared at Dean like she was looking right through him.

“Mom? Dad? Sarah! Nate! No!” She started to cry reaching out towards the imaginary figures. Suddenly she was shrinking away from them. “I tried to save you. No Dad! No! No! I’m doing the best I can!” Tears began streaming down her face and she covered her ears as she shrank away from Sam and Dean as well as her family in her dreams.

Dean was hugging her to him trying to hush her. Both boys now kneeled on the bed. Dean with Tyler held close to his chest. He looked at Sam saying ‘we have to do something about this’ with his eyes. Holding her close Dean whispered in Tyler’s ear.

“I got you Tyler. You’re with us, I promise everything is ok. Come on sweetheart wake up.” Dean looked at Sam never stopping his whispering in her ear. She seemed to calming down but Sam came over anyway and stroked her head leaning close to Dean so she could feel his presence.

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