Chapter 26 Dropping A Hint

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The three went up to the front door and knocked. Caleb came to the door and looked surprised to see them.

“Hey Caleb.” Tyler greeted him. He gaped at her before shaking his head like he was in a dream and glaring at her suspiciously. “Can we come in?” Caleb could only nod as he stepped back to let her by.

“It’s nice to see you again.” Sam said awkwardly as he passed the boy by.

“Nice to meet you.” Dean could barely stop his chuckle, at the awkwardness, from escaping his lips.

“I don’t know if I can say the same about you.” Caleb said to Dean before turning to Tyler. “I thought you were dead! How did you get away from that thing?”

“A lot of luck and a little help. I’m a reporter and I would like to interview you about what you saw at the beach.” Tyler replied to the boy very professionally.

“So then he’s not your boyfriend.” Caleb simply responded pointing to Sam and not taking any notice of Tyler’s question.

“He’s her brother.” Dean said easily. “Can we come in?” Caleb took one look at him and nodded. The three entered, Sam first and Dean last sandwiching Tyler in the middle when they got to her.

“What can I do for you three? You were at the beach. It seems like you would know more details than me.” Caleb said. “Can I get you anything to drink?”

“No, I’m good thanks.” Tyler said politely. The two boys waved him off as well. “We need to know what you saw before that night. We need the backstory.”

“Which is where you come in. You were here before us and we’d like the details of anything suspicious you saw at the lake. Anything you can remember.” Dean explained.

“Look, the lake is where college kids and high school kids hang. The East side is for the college kids usually and the North side is where the high schoolers hang. You were on the East side so it’s college kids. What do they do that isn’t suspicious?” Caleb sat down with a sigh. Tyler raised her eyebrows in confusion and Sam chuckled with Dean.

“I suppose we’d best be leaving.” Tyler said standing up.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t help you.” Caleb followed her and the brothers also stood.

“We know you tried and that’s all we can ask of anyone. Besides now we know nothing strange was happening on the beach.” Sam tried to set Caleb at ease even though he didn’t seem overly bothered by not being able to help them.

“Are you sure you haven’t seen anything? Maybe the smell of sulfur, or maybe you’ve been seeing a few tricks of light?” Tyler tried as a last attempt. Caleb shook his head.

“Not that I can think of. Sorry for wasting your time.” Caleb waved and shut the door.

“Do you think he caught on?” Sam asked as soon as they were in the impala and out of earshot. Tyler snorted from the back.

“I sure hope he did. He’s supposed to be a smart demon.” Tyler grinned before laying down in the back. Sam turned around to look at her.

“What are you doing?” Dean smirked looking in the rear view mirror.

“I’m thinking Dean. Maybe you should try it some day.” She snapped. Dean glared but then he smiled. He reached down an put on ACDC’s Highway to Hell and blared it out the speakers of the car. “Damnit!” She shot up and gave Dean an icy glare.

“What’s the matter sweetheart?” Dean’s shit eating grin was back and Tyler was furious.

“Dean maybe we shouldn’t mess with her.” Sam said lightly turning down the music.

“No, it wasn’t you. I knew Dean would try something like that.” Tyler shrugged not explaining any further.

“Then what’s going on?” Sam asked.

“I forgot my favorite knife.” She said easily. Sam wasn’t fooled and apparently Dean wasn’t either.

“Hey Ty?” Sam said trying to sound overly friendly.

“Yeah?” The girl asked sitting up in a lotus position, looking like she wasn’t paying them much attention.

“Don’t keep lying to us.” Dean smirked when Sam answered her.

“Hey Dean?” Dean saw her smiling with her eyes closed though his rearview mirror.

“What?” His voice was gruff.

“Don’t hit that tree.” She grinned and Dean barely had time to swerve.

“Fuck! What the hell is a tree doing out in the middle of the road!” Dean yelled as he stopped the impala. “My car had better be okay!” He got out and rushed around the outside searching for a single scratch. Tyler chuckled in the back, her eyes still closed. The entertainment value here isn’t bad.

“How did you know that was coming? Your eyes were closed.” Sam said not moving from his seat and watching Tyler in the mirror.

“I know the roads. Knew where we were. Knew Dean wasn’t paying attention.” Tyler’s lips moved and her eyes flickered but didn’t open. She almost looked like she was meditating to Sam.

“Thanks for the warning.” Dean grumbled as he opened the door to the impala and slammed it shut. Tyler inclined her head to show she’d heard him.

“So we’ve set the bait, now what about the trap part of this?” Sam asked as Dean kept driving, keeping his eyes strictly on the road.

“You need spidey senses Dean.” Tyler grinned and Dean bristled but kept his eyes glued on the road. “We’re going back to the beach tonight. We’ll fight and end up splitting up leaving me as easy pickings for the demon. And hopefully he’ll take the bait back to his hidey hole and you guys can free everyone while the bastard tortures me.”

“That’s great and all but how do you plan to escape?” Sam asked worried. Tyler shrugged before answering.

“You need to follow me and make sure everyone gets out. That’s all you need to worry about.” Tyler said easily.

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