Chapter 15 Beach Fight

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Time seemed to slow down as Sam and Dean saw Tyler hurtle through the air towards the thing. They came in unprepared and this is what was happening. Tyler was going to die. Sam couldn’t let that happen and with one look at his brother Sam knew that Dean couldn’t stand the thought either.

“Tyler!” Dean yelled stopping to shoot at the thing again as Sam ran closer. The thing caught Tyler but screamed in pain. Sam had seen her foot catch the thing’s head or at least bend the part of the beast that was supposed to be the head. “That thing isn’t a demon Sam!”

“I know!” Sam shouted back as he shot the hulking thing at close range. Tyler had been successfully fighting it but Sam was sure she couldn’t keep it up for long. Fortunately or unfortunately Sam managed to get it’s attention.

“Any ideas on what it is?” Dean asked as he caught up to Sam seconds later and shot at what they assumed to be its head. Then as the brothers managed to piss it off the thing decided to take matters into it’s own hands. The closest projectile was Tyler so it threw the girl at them, rushing after her roaring it’s fury.

Tyler landed on Sam and they both went down hard. She was quick though and was off Sam before Dean could bend down to help her up. Sam was slower to get up and both Dean and Tyler could tell he’d been hurt in the fall.

“Sam you ok?” Tyler asked as Dean shot at the rapidly approaching monster.

“Yeah, do you know what thing is?” Sam had a feeling she knew exactly what it was.

“Yes.” She said shortly before running towards it. “We have to suffocate it. Not cut off it’s head, actually strangle the damn thing.” She growled as she jumped when it turned around to attack Dean who was trying to avoid it and still shoot it. She managed to catch herself around it and squeeze. It roared and Dean could see Sam struggle to get up and run towards him.

“What’s going on?” Dean yelled as Sam got to him but didn’t try to shoot the thing again. Dean wasn’t shooting either as Tyler was on it’s head and looked like she was losing. Soon enough the thing threw her off and she landed about ten yards away in a crouch.

“We have to strangle it!” Sam yelled before following Tyler’s example and throwing himself at the hulking creature. Dean muttered a curse under his breath before he started trying to distract the creature from the presence on it’s back. Tyler was still trying to rush back to help the Winchesters when Sam got chucked much like she did.

At this point she was just glad the damn thing wasn’t ripping them apart. Dean decided to try his luck before she could so she spent her time dodging it’s freakishly long arms. By now she knew it was definitely a golem, a creation of the demon that was animated by a spell. Not that she hadn’t dealt with them before but they were a pain and the way the spell worked was through airways running through the clay. Creepy right?

“Keep going Dean!” Sam yelled. Tyler could tell the thing was slowly getting slower which meant one of two things. It was about to die and turn into mush or it was getting a major attack ready and needed it’s energy to build up.

“Dean, it’s either dying or it’s planning something big!” She yelled as Dean hung on the golem’s neck for his life.

“Great!” Dean yelled back as Sam and Tyler ran around it distracting it. Tyler had a knife out and was hacking away at the arms while Sam shot at it trying to conserve his bullets and not hit Dean. “Sam I swear to God if you shoot me, I’ll kill you!”

“Can you please put that damn thing away and grab a knife? I don’t know why you even thought that was doing anymore than annoying it!” Tyler yelled as she pulled a piece of the golem away with her knife. Sam grunted before pulling out his own knife. Much smaller but he was hoping it would do.

“How close do you think we are to getting rid of this thing?” Dean yelled from his perch on top of the golem.
“It’s slowing down! Don’t worry!” Tyler said as she dodged and weaved through it’s arms, slowly chopping it to bits. Damn, I hope he’s holding on tighter than it looks like he is. I can’t even think if this fails. I’ll have to... No! I won’t! Please hang in there Dean!

“Please tell me we’re close!” Sam winced as one of the golem’s arms caught his shoulder and dislocated it. “Crap! Tyler!” Sam called out as he tumbled to the ground. The golem turned but Tyler was in front of him her knife in hand.

“Sammy!” Dean yelled form on top of the thing.

“Stay where you are Dean!” Tyler yelled as the thing took one heavy arm and started bringing it down towards the two. Sam felt himself being dragged away as the ground shook. Sand flew from where the golem had pounded the beach with it’s arm.

“Tyler! I felt something collapse!” Dean yelled again. Tyler looked up at him hope in her eyes before Sam saw it die. Sam watched as black ink seemed to spill out of Tyler’s pupils and onto her skin. Sam couldn’t decide where to look as the golem reached towards Dean who was on it’s head and Tyler stared at him almost pleadingly for a second.

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