Two: Fancy Seeing You Here

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A/N: you don't have to imagine the character above like that, but that's how I imagine them. Imagine them how you like!

The day after, I was out at a cafe with my best friend, Amy. I hadn't seen her for a few days, so I needed to fill her in on everything with Alex, my future husband.

Just kidding.

Kind of.

"So my dad took me to his work yesterday and I think I found my future husband, although I don't think he's gay." I began, wiggling my eyebrows at Amy. She gasped happily, a smile on her face.

"Tell me what happened!" She demanded.

"Okay so, my dad told me to go get myself a drink, so I went down to the cafe in his work and got myself a hot chocolate. Then, like a dick head, I spilt hot chocolate all over my dad's boss. My dad was going to punish me for it, but my dad's boss said he'd punish me instead...kinky twat, so then he took me to his penthouse and made me clean his shirt, which by the way didn't clean, and I was like low-key trying—key word trying—to flirt with him and oh my god I want to bang him so bad, Amy."

Amy sat there, wide eyed, the widest smile across her face.

"Who's your dad's boss?" She asked, still smiling.

"He's this really rich guy and I think he's like famous in the business world or something, but of course I don't pay much attention to that." I told her as I pulled my phone out of my pocket. I attempted to search up his company name, using his surname and some common company words and I found it in no time. Something about Woods Ltd.

I clicked on images in order to show Amy. The first photo was of Alex in a suit and a woman dressed in skirt suit. She must have been important if that's the first photo that came up.

I scrolled down and found a photo of him stood by his car. It looked like it had been taken by paparazzi. I turned my phone around and showed Amy. Her jaw practically dropped.

"You really need to find out if he's gay, or bi." Amy said, still staring at the photo.

"If he's straight then I'll bang him." She continued, an innocent smile on her face.

I scoffed, "no biatch." Amy grinned at me in return as the bell above the cafe door jingled, indicating someone had just walked in. Like everyone does when the bell jingles, we turned and looked to see who had walked in.

My eyes immediately widened as I saw who stood by the door. What a coincidence. A very strange coincidence.

"Amy," I whispered, shaking her arm frantically, "Amy, that's him, that's Alex." Amy's eyes widened as she turned and stared at him. He walked over to the counter, ordered something and was served about ten seconds later. They work quick when someone important comes in.

Alex looked around for a seat and immediately made eye contact with me, before smiling widely and approaching mine and Amy's table.

"You alright Lukas? Can I sit here? I don't know anyone here." Asked Alex. I nodded quickly and moved along the booth so he could sit down. He sat himself next to me with his coffee and his chocolate fudge cake and smiled kindly.

Amy just sat there, wide-eyed, as if Leonardo DiCaprio just sat down at our table.

"Fancy seeing you here." I said as he began eating his chocolate cake, a smile on his face.

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