Twenty Two: Paparazzi and Hospital Trips

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That night, after Alex and I had finished what we were doing and Alex cleaned himself up, I asked Alex if I could sleep at his house, and he said yes.

So the next morning I opened my eyes, expecting Alex to be there, but I just woke up to an empty bed. Confused, I frowned, wondering where Alex was. However, I didn't bother getting up to find him so I just laid in bed.

I sat in silence, tracing my finger along the stitches on my stomach. It was quite sore after moving around a lot last night. We didn't do anything more than me giving him a hand-job, but grinding on him for most of the night didn't really help my wound feel better.

When I finally gathered the energy, I sat up and got out of bed in just my underwear. I walked over to the mirror and ran a hand through my messy hair in an attempt to neaten it, but it didn't really work. My eyes suddenly widened as I spotted a hickey in the crook of my neck.

To be honest I've had worse on a night out, but I haven't had one for a while so it just shocked me.

After I finished looking at myself in the mirror and sorting out my hair, I made my way downstairs.

I could smell bacon and eggs as I walked down the stairs, and soon enough I was in the kitchen watching Alex cooking breakfast. Such a cliché.

He was shirtless and wearing grey jogging pants. I wish I could wake up to that every morning.

I looked at Alex's neck, spotting the hickey I'd left on it last night. I bit my lip and smiled.

Alex smiled at me as he dished out the food onto two plates. "I was about to come and wake you up, but never mind." He said as I approached the counter island and sat down on a stool.

"I also washed your clothes. Well, I didn't, the maid did but...same thing." Alex told me, grinning as he handed me the plate of food. I thanked him and began eating.

"I've also got to go to the company soon, so I can either drop you off at home or you can stay here and be bored if you like." Alex offered as he sat down opposite me and began to eat his food.

"Actually could you take me with you? I want to drop in and speak to my dad." I asked. Alex nodded as he ate his food.

Once we'd finished eating, Alex gave me my clean clothes and we both got dressed and headed to Alex's company.

We talked for a while as Alex drove, but when we stopped outside the car park building attached to Alex's company building, his eyes widened, as did mine, as we stared at a crowd of paparazzi and reporters.

"Fuck." Alex whispered, frozen in his seat. There was no way we were getting passed them.

We both jumped as Alex's phone began to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and answered it. I could hear a voice on the other end, but I didn't know what was being said.

"I know, I'm outside right now. I can't get in, you're gonna have to get someone to move them or something." Alex answered. I couldn't hear the other side of the call, but I could make out what the conversation was about.

"Yeah okay, I'll do that instead." Alex then ended the call. He began driving again and made his way around the back of the building.

"I usually get to my garage through the car park building because it's quicker, but that's not a choice so I'm going through the back." Alex explained to me as he drove.

"You have a garage here as well?" I asked, frowning.

"Well there's only room for two of my cars here, whereas there's only eight spots at my house." Alex continued, as if the sentence that just came out of his mouth was completely normal.

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