Part 15: Party

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"Fuck." I mumble, sitting up on my elbows since I was laying on my stomach. Me and Mason were sprawled out all over the bed and the smell of weed and alcohol is all over the room. My head pounded and felt like exploding, Masons hand trails my back

"Your head hurt?" He asks I nod my head putting my head in my hands

"I'll be back." He says getting up only in boxers, I stare at his abs and he leaves. I lay on my back the covers on the floor and my whole body is sprawled out on the bed. Mason comes back and hands me two advil's. We take the pills together and lay next to each other on the bed

"You excited for the party?" I ask sarcasm in every word

"Only if I can have liquor." He said looking at me, I stare back at him and he leans in close kissing me. I get on top of him and he unhooks my bra and I take his boxers off and he takes my underwear off.


One last moan and thrust and he stops getting off of me. He hands me a beer and I drink from it

"Is this going to be our routine now?" I ask

"What?" He asks

"Drink, smoke, fuck, sleep?" I ask

"If you want it to be?" He says

"That'd be great." I say clinking our bottles and gulping mine down. Mason stares at me

"Are you okay?" He asks

"Do you mean seeing Blake? No, I haven't seen him." I say grabbing another bottle

"No, I mean just generally." He said

"I'm uh still hungover. I'm going to get tea." I say putting on my undergarments and a robe. I go downstairs and Aniease follows me and I feed her milk and cat food a guy bought yesterday for us, I pour tea in a mug and sit down at the kitchen table. I sigh and put the cup to my lips

"Emma?" Trisha says

"Hey." I say taking a sip of tea

"I think coffee is better for you." Trisha says sitting next to me

"Tea is more calming." I say taking another sip

"Me and Lance heard you both chatting it up." Trish laughs

"What did we talk about?" I ask rubbing my temple

"Um, I think I shouldn't tell." She said we both laugh and Aniease gets on the table coming close to me. "How did we end up here?" Trish puts her head in her hands "I'm freaking pregnant." She says

"Well, you did fuck Lance. So?" She giggles

"Babe." Mason says coming in "Trisha, can I talk to her alone?" Mason asks Trish, she nods and leaves and Mason sits down where Trisha was

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Al called." He said

"And? I'm better, you know so." I say defending myself

"Yeah, but only Al knows if that's true." He said "he wants to see you today, and soon."

"Fine, but you owe me." I say

"Come here." Mason says grabbing my hand and making me sit on his lap. He kisses my lips and moves down, he grabs my boob and with the other hand on my waist. He kisses my lips again and let's go of me "we shouldn't be doing this in the open." He says I laugh

"Let's go then." I say getting up and grabbing him going upstairs. I take off the robe and he stares at my body

"What about Al?" He asks

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