Part 35: New Beginnings

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"Elena, wake up." I hear Ash's voice. I turn so I'm on my back with my left leg bent and my foot to my knee and my hand on the side of my head.

"Do I have to?" I open my eyes slightly.

"I already packed everything. We packed a lot last night." He told me.

"I could've helped." I whined, he laughed and took both my hands and dragged me out of bed. I stood on my tip-toes as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I can finally call you wife." Ash sighed in relief.

"I can finally call you husband." I whispered.


I got dressed and helped haul boxes in the truck Ash rented and Zander came and helped too. We all sat on the couch for a while because that was the only thing left in the whole apartment.

"We should get going." Ash said sighing "it's going to be a long ride."

"Yeah." I say and get up grabbing Aniease.


We all stood outside of our cars and Zander looked at me.

"Be safe." He says hugging me "I know now." He whispered in my ear "I know who hurt you." I let go and smiled like he said nothing.

"Thank you, for everything." I breathed.

"You're welcome." He opened my door and I got in.

I set Aniease on my lap and buckled my seat belt around my waist. I looked at the window and waved bye to Zander and he waved back.

"Okay, baby, please don't get mad once we get there." Ash begged

"Why would I be mad, babe?" I asked threatenly.

"You'll see." He sighs.


After thirty minutes we stopped at a quick-mart. Me and Ash walked in, our hands twined together like trees.

"What do you want baby?" Ash asked, I sighed in boredom.

"Jerky." I plainly say. He bends down and hands me a big pack of jerky.

"What else?" Ash wonders the store dragging me along. We grabbed Icey's, chips, and granola bars.

We got back in the car and I fed Aniease on the floor with her bowl as my feet were crossed.

"I feel like you love that cat more than me." Ash blurts out jokingly

"Whatever babe!" I say putting on my sunglasses and turning on music.

ash holds my left hand and plays with the ring a little, just rubbing his finger over it.

"You're weird." I laugh playfully. Ash looks at me seriously like he's bipolar or something.

"Amber told me what happened when you guys went shopping." He says and glances at me through his sunglasses and looks back on the road.

"It was nothing." I say softly putting jerky in my mouth.

"It's was something if she hit you." Ash calmly says

"Well, we are far away from her, Mason, and Lance. And let's not forget that poor child." I look out the window and feel his lips touch my hand.

"As long as we are far away from our past." He says.


"Are we not going to stop at a hotel or something?" I ask Ash

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