Part 37: To The Beginning

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I wake up around seven seeing Ash staring at me. I chuckle and put my hand on his face and he grabs my wrist laughing.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready?" I say getting up and feeling a bit nauseated.

"I will." He said and I get up grabbing some clothes and putting them on, black tank top, skinny black ripped jeans, and black boots. I walk into the kitchen before seeing Ash groaning and getting out of bed. I pour cereal in a bowl for Ash and bring out the milk and I do the same.

I walk into our room to see him tie his tie for his uniform. I smile and walk closer behind him. He turns around and I put my arms around his neck. He trails his hands from my waist down to my butt then behind my thighs picking me up and I squeal. I smile and kiss him gently, he lays me on the bed and twines both of our hands and kisses me all the way down to my neck when my phone starts to ring Ash doesn't stop but I answer.

"Hello?" I ask breathless as Ash kisses my neck more.

"Elena, I want you to help me check out this one artists piece and see if you like it." Matt says and I breath in as Ash grabs my boob.

"Yeah, when?"  I ask and Ash starts to suck on my neck.

"Around ten." He says. Ash grabs my phone from me.

"She'll be there, bye." Ash says to Matt and hangs up putting the phone far away from me. He starts kissing my lips and he gets up. "Come on." He says and drags me into the kitchen.


"Bye, love you." I say to Ash at the door and he gives me a kiss.

"Love you too." He leaves closing the door. I sit on the couch and Aniease comes up to me and we chill on the couch for a while.

I get up and head towards my art room. I start to draw whatever o please, making a spot a shade darker or a shade lighter. I decided, this time, to use colored pencils.

After I was done I had made a sophisticated eye that had a tear falling down. I got up from the chair and instantly felt super sick, I ran to the bathroom and laid on my knees and threw up. I held onto the sides of the bowl and kept throwing up. I leaned back and got up with a shaky body, I washed my mouth out and washed my face. I sighed, leaning against the sink, my phone buzzed in my butt pocket and I answered.

"Hello?" I ask to Matt.

"We still on for eleven with this girl?" He asked and I inhaled.

"Yeah yeah, I'll be there soon." I said.

"Great, see you soon!" He said hanging up.

I grab my keys and go outside to my car and start the ignition. I sigh laying back on the seat and hold my stomach.

'I just ate something bad' I tell myself

It wasn't much of a long drive to get to the little cafe. I parked close to the cafe and greeted them both.

"Hi, I'm Alexia Danner!" She smiled brightly at me like I was her idol.

"I'm-" I couldn't finish when she interrupted.

"Emma Vanderwall, I know." She said and shook my hand roughly.

"I prefer Elena." I say taking my hand back and sitting down.

"Yes, sorry." She said sitting down.

"So," Matt starts "where's your three arts?" He asks and she excitedly pulls out a sketch book.

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