Chapter Four

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He took a step forward so that he was arm's length away from me. "Now that's not nice. What did I do to prompt this hostility today?"

He went to take another step forward and I raised my gun. With it aimed straight at his head, I said, "You've done nothing to dispel it."

"Dart to the head? Now I know you don't want to cause me irreparable brain damage."

"Lucky for us both then that this isn't a dart gun."

"A real gun? Wow. You haven't held one in how long; months, years?" he asked, his blue eyes twinkling with amusement and threat. He dropped his voice to a whisper so that only I could hear; "Now that's not right. You held one yesterday."

I kept my face neutral, not showing how much his words got to me. By the smirk on his face, he knew the truth, even if I didn't show it. "You need to leave," I said, my voice threatening.

"I don't care for guns," he said in a normal volume, pretending I hadn't spoken. "They can cause so much harm and they make for an awful conversation piece." At that, his hands whipped out and he disarmed me. He tossed the gun, now in its different pieces, onto the floor a ways away. "Much better, don't you think?"

I rolled my eyes before smiling convincingly and taking a step closer to him, wrapping my arms around his middle. He looked surprised, but pleased nonetheless. That is, until I pulled my arms back with his gun in my hand. "Hypocrite." I tossed the gun onto the ground next to mine.

"Well, if we're playing the disarming game," he said, smirking as he reached inside my jacket and pulled the dart gun out of its holster. Narrowing my eyes at him, I grabbed his arm and pulled out the knife strapped to his forearm. We added both to the pile.

His smirk grew as he took the knife strapped to my forearm and the brass knuckles in my jacket pocket. I took the pocket knife out of his jeans pocket. I cocked my eyebrow as he put his hand on my hip. Then, he slid his hand down and lifted my leg so his hand was at the back of my knee. He reached into my boot and pulled out the switchblade before letting my leg drop to the ground. A couple more followed the others.

He looked at the pile of weapons now sitting on the ground next to us. "What do you need so many weapons for? It's not like you use any of them," he said.

I narrowed my eyes at the obvious dig. I was considering calling him a meany, but decided against it since I wasn't five years old. Instead, I kicked my leg out, swiping his feet out from under him. He hit the ground with an oomph. Forgetting the situation we were in, I smirked before joking, "Still as easy as always I see, Jax."

He just smirked and didn't reply. Grabbing my wrist, he pulled me down next to him. He then rolled over me so that he was on top of me, his hands on either side of my head, his face inches from my own. "And you still brag too much."

Instead of replying, I gripped his wrist with one hand and hit his elbow with my other hand. His arm buckled and I rolled over so that I was above him. We traded a couple more times, each of us fighting for the upper hand.

Finally, I pinned him. I was sitting on his midsection and his arms were pinned beneath me. I flicked my hair out of my face and looked down at him. We were both breathing heavily, our hearts poundings in our chests.

I looked down at him, a victorious smile on my face just like old times. He looked back at me, his face one of awe. "God, you're beautiful," he whispered, still staring up at me.

My smile dropped and what I was doing registered in my mind. I stood up and took a couple steps back from Jaxon. He propped himself up on his elbows and gave me a curious look. "You need to go now," I said, my voice quaking a little.

His expression turned sad, but understanding. He got up and went to the pile of weapons. Collecting all of his and putting them back into place, he stood up and walked back to the front door, nodding at Wallace on the way. He paused as the door opened. He looked back for a second, opening his mouth like he was going to say something before thinking better of it and closing it again. Then he was gone.

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